OK, I agree, here are a couple more articles


The parts I keyed on in addition to the locations clustered around areas
with multiple dopplers, is that many people say they sound more like sonic


And as quakes increase in frequency, residents of
taking notice. More noticeable than the shaking, for many, is the noise
these quakes make: a loud boom, like artillery fire.

I wonder if it is a combination of both, microwaves interacting with the
atmosphere/water vapor and or a discharge into the Earth interacting with
the underground water.

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Aha. With those states, you have to think that fracking is involved to
> some extent- so the only real question is if the fracking is exacerbated by
> the RF.
> ROTFL. I see that the "Does not seem to be a direct link" comment comes
> from renowned seismic expert.. cough, cough... one Barbara Schneider,
> Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Feng Shui Consultant, and a
> regular contributor to San Jose Psychic Examiner.
> ... doubt if we should be trusting Babs' insight on this issue, Feng Shui
> notwithstanding
> *From:* ChemE Stewart
> Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas
> The area of North Texas, Oklahoma, So. Kansas and Western Arkansas has had
> >3000 seismic events which jumped in 2009
> Fracking has been going on for years and there does not seem to be a
> direct link but it may have some impact
> http://www.examiner.com/article/oklahoma-s-4-yr-long-quake-swarm-is-not-normal-and-it-ain-t-freakin-fracking

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