Jones etal--


At page 3 of the Craven/Gimpel paper on their demonstrations at the NI 2013 
convention, they state the following:

>>"Notice the metal nano particles are held within 9 nm pores within carbon 
>>particles matched to the expected blackbody radiation.  Nano particles alone 
>>have lower energy of vacancy of formation than large bulk material because 
>>they are more >>surface -like than bulk-like.  However they are only a few 
>>hundred atoms.  If the reaction is deuterium going to helium, we expect 24 
>>Mev of energy to be released.  The energy holding most chemical bonds is only 
>>on the order of a few ev.  That >>means the reaction must "dump" energy to 
>>more than tens of millions of bonds or the reaction site would be destroyed.  
>>This is where the carbon framework comes in.  It provides a path for the 
>>energy out of the reaction that does not destroy the >>reaction site which 
>>would have limited the useful lifetime of the material."

Craven and Gimpel go on to point out the following:

>>"Also in side the sphere is powdered samarium cobalt.  This is to help align 
>>(actually anti-align) the spins of the deuterium.  A reaction pathway to 
>>helium-4-- i.e., tritium, neutrons, etc.-- without the anti-alignment 

As I have often suggested, the control of the spin as a key parameter in 
getting the best controlled reaction without destruction of the metal lattice 
is very important.  These two researchers seem to understand this importance.  

In addition I think they have identified basically a two dimensional system as 
a key--the surface-like structure of the carbon particles--to encourage the 
reaction in the magnetic field.  As Axil has repeated many times, dimensional 
control of the reaction-- one versus two versus three--is well founded in other 
research that have considered local micro magnetic fields of significant 

Bob Cook

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 7:14 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:2 Modes of the FPE


  Cravens experiment was ongoing at infinite COP for 2.5 months before NI Week, 
and he indicated that he would keep it going (that needs to be confirmed).


  If true, this one has been ongoing for almost 10 months at infinite COP.


  From: James Bowery 


  1) An infinite COP of long-duration  is something that true believers in the 
current "theory" will have difficulty rationalizing away.


  2) An infinite COP of long-duration does not require expensive sensors or 
data analysis to achieve adequate S/N -- indeed it can be adequately recorded 
merely by digital camera showing the event.


  I've made this point before but it bears repeating that in a resource starved 
field that is beset by inquisitorial true believers holding positions of power, 
it makes sense to focus on replicating the FPE in its mode of infinite COP of 
long duration sans expensive measurement.



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