
Sorry, but once again, you are only half-right. It is fairly clear to anyone
who is paying close attention that you fear and will lobby against positive
results from any kind of democratic experimental effort - since it will
further marginalize your own theory if successful.

Ed's theory is not incorrect... let me be clear on that. 

But he has "fallen in love" with an incomplete theory, which was one of Fred
Sparber's fundamental warnings: never fall in love with your own theory to
the exclusion of all others.

Moreover, Ed's theory applies to only one of many gainful hydrogen reactions
in LENR. That is what he does not want to be revealed. 

Experimenters will be able to see gain in LENR with or without Ed's theory.
It may not even be among the top tier theories for gain, but it is relevant
to some extent, and should not be ignored.

It is as simple as that. I would hate to see any kind of meaningful
open-sourced effort disparaged before it gets off the ground... assuming of
course - that there is a CC which works well with hydrogen in an unpowered
mode... the hidden motivation for negativity is rather transparent.

-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Storms 

Jones, let me try to simplify this suggestion. The LENR process requires a
special condition that is difficult to create in a material. Unless this
special condition is created (I call the NAE)  no treatment will cause LENR.
This what 25 years of study of the effect has demonstrated and what can be
concluded from over 100 years of experience in chemistry

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