-----Original Message----- From: Terry Blanton > Caveat: > There is no present indication that an automotive catalytic converter (CC) will show thermal gain in an unpowered hydrogen experiment, similar to Cravens work - but essentially there is a valid expectation of this result, based on experiments going back to Arata... and it is easily demonstrated.
When I first joined the list ages ago, I asked the sages if they thought it was possible to get a CF reaction in a CC. They kindly explained to the naive newcomer that it required dissociation and loading and liquids. Patted me on the head politely and sent me along.... Amusing, innit? Cough... cough. In an alternative Universe, you went ahead and tried it anyway. It was a great success. You became rich and famous. The world did not need oil anymore and the price dropped in half. We did not go to war in the Middle East for oil. 9/11 never happened. And vortex became the home of nutters who thought LENR was too expensive.
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