Mills himself says NO, hydrinos have nothing to do with LENR.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

>  Folks, I am asking this question because I truly do not know the answer
> and clearly, I am not qualified to even begin to answer it.  Maybe those
> who have actually studied Mills GUTCP book can help answer this question.
> (Mike and Robin?  up for some calculations.)
> This is a bounce off the other thread "Mills hydrinos is not LENR" where
> people speculated that hydrinos is probably not LENR.  But it seems to me
> that if we are not so blinded by our own pet theories, that we can properly
> evaluate if Hydrinos H1/4 state really can explain the excess anomalous
> heat we get with NiH and PdD systems.
> Specifically for now, I want to focus on the energy balance and reactions
> rates.  Assuming for now, that hyrdinos are the causative factor, can it
> explain Rossi's high temp results with the Hotcat?
> Consider this scenario for now.  Suppose Nickel nanopowder has a catalytic
> function like Titanium nanopowder.  The Nickel nanopowder would catalyze
> transition to H1/4 state and explode like we've seen in Mills explosion.
> Some of the nanopowder explodes, scatters, melts but still able to catalyze
> further reactions, cause they are still nano powder, albeit a finer nano
> powder like Mills claims.  Hence, you have a continuous recycling of nickel
> nanopowder capable of catalyzing H1/4 transitions.  The Temperature
> controls (for some reason - this is the Miracle in this scenario) the
> catalyzation and reaction rates.  When it reaches a certain point, the
> reaction rates overshoot, runs away and melts the reactor.
> The above scenario would explain a few stubborn facts we know about LENR
> reactions that can never be explained satisfactorily otherwise
> 1.  This would explain the positive feedback and run away reaction in many
> experiments.  Control the temps, otherwise too much hydrino transistions
> occur and KABOOM!
> 2.  This would also explain why there is no hard radiation.
> 3.  This would explain why the reactions continue even at extremely high
> temperatures, enough to melt whatever Nickel nanostructure NAEs and even
> possibly to sublimate some nanopowders of Nickel itself.
> 4.  This is certainly a more satisfying explanation than the BEC soliton
> formation at extremely high temps and all the convoluted explanations on
> how to thermalize the gammas or other hard radiation.
> 5.  This is certainly a more satisfying explanation than BEC "metaphasic"
> shielding protecting the nickel nanostructures from melting.  (Metaphasic
> shielding is another miracle that is added to the repetoire of miracles
> that need to be explained.  It seems our theories require more miracles to
> explain a miracle.  We end up with more miracles to explain than what we
> began with.)
> 6.  (This next point is speculation so may not be a valid point.)   This
> is certainly a more satisfying explanation to the continued presence of NAE
> to cause reactions to continue up to the runaway melting point of the
> reactor.   It seems to me that once the reactor has melted, the inside
> environment would have been exposed to outside air hence should have
> quenched the BEC or solitons or whatever it is,   It seems that a tiny hole
> in the reactor would have quickly quenched the BEC, soltions, etc reaction
> before it creates a bigger hole.  Tell me if I am wrong on this?  Didn't
> the Levi first Hotcat totally melt?  This tells me that the reaction
> continued even after the inside was exposed to outside air.
> If you are knowledgeable enough and understand Hydrinos enough, please
> help me do the calculations of the energy balance.
> Can the hydrino transition even be catalyzed by high temps instead of high
> currents like in the Suncell?
> Jojo

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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