This insight into the man does not speak well for this man's desire to
reveal ultimate truth. It sounds like his views of the laws of nature are
skewed by the needs of his ego and his business.

The ascetic truth seeker is most often grounded into dust by the demons
of our nature. This man seeks to avoid those demons by trading off against
the pursuit of truth.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

>  <Sunday Sermon>
> Many years ago I think it had been speculated that very early in BLP's
> inception, Dr. Mills made both a conscious and strategic decision to
> distance the body of his work from the CF/LENR field as quickly as
> possible. After watching the public skewering of Pons and Fleischmann I
> could see how Dr. Mills would want to make sure nobody would possibly find
> any kind of similarities pertaining to what BLP is trying to accomplish and
> attempt to compare their due diligence with what's been going on within the
> much more federated CANR-LENR field. Of course, it didn't take long for BLP
> to run into its own unique form of banishment from the scientific
> establishment. Dr. Mills' own audacious CQM theory pretty much got him
> black balled. But as many of us realize: From today's clutch of labeled
> misfits, rebels, and outcasts sometimes are hatched the revered heroes of
> tomorrow. Baby birds seldom look attractive when freshly hatched... except
> perhaps to snakes. Clowns? I don't know.
> I believe there has been speculation that both Mills and the LENR field
> may have initially branched out from the trunk of the same tree. For
> example both parties experimented with nickel. Both still do today.
> Today, it seems to me that the same tree of knowledge has many more
> branches and leaves to pick from. Hopefully, the BLP branch may soon bear
> fruit. ...Perhaps a winter harvest if we're lucky, and if the fruit flies
> don't arrive first.
> </Sunday Sermon>
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> *From:* Peter Gluck []
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 03, 2014 1:59 AM
> *To:* VORTEX
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Can the Hydrino explain excess heat in NiH and PdD
> systems?
> Mills himself says NO, hydrinos have nothing to do with LENR.
> Peter
> On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Jojo Iznart <>
> wrote:
> Folks, I am asking this question because I truly do not know the answer
> and clearly, I am not qualified to even begin to answer it.  Maybe those
> who have actually studied Mills GUTCP book can help answer this question.
> (Mike and Robin?  up for some calculations.)
> This is a bounce off the other thread "Mills hydrinos is not LENR" where
> people speculated that hydrinos is probably not LENR.  But it seems to me
> that if we are not so blinded by our own pet theories, that we can properly
> evaluate if Hydrinos H1/4 state really can explain the excess anomalous
> heat we get with NiH and PdD systems.
> Specifically for now, I want to focus on the energy balance and reactions
> rates.  Assuming for now, that hyrdinos are the causative factor, can it
> explain Rossi's high temp results with the Hotcat?
> Consider this scenario for now.  Suppose Nickel nanopowder has a catalytic
> function like Titanium nanopowder.  The Nickel nanopowder would catalyze
> transition to H1/4 state and explode like we've seen in Mills explosion.
> Some of the nanopowder explodes, scatters, melts but still able to catalyze
> further reactions, cause they are still nano powder, albeit a finer nano
> powder like Mills claims.  Hence, you have a continuous recycling of nickel
> nanopowder capable of catalyzing H1/4 transitions.  The Temperature
> controls (for some reason - this is the Miracle in this scenario) the
> catalyzation and reaction rates.  When it reaches a certain point, the
> reaction rates overshoot, runs away and melts the reactor.
> The above scenario would explain a few stubborn facts we know about LENR
> reactions that can never be explained satisfactorily otherwise
> 1.  This would explain the positive feedback and run away reaction in many
> experiments.  Control the temps, otherwise too much hydrino transistions
> occur and KABOOM!
> 2.  This would also explain why there is no hard radiation.
> 3.  This would explain why the reactions continue even at extremely high
> temperatures, enough to melt whatever Nickel nanostructure NAEs and even
> possibly to sublimate some nanopowders of Nickel itself.
> 4.  This is certainly a more satisfying explanation than the BEC soliton
> formation at extremely high temps and all the convoluted explanations on
> how to thermalize the gammas or other hard radiation.
> 5.  This is certainly a more satisfying explanation than BEC "metaphasic"
> shielding protecting the nickel nanostructures from melting.  (Metaphasic
> shielding is another miracle that is added to the repetoire of miracles
> that need to be explained.  It seems our theories require more miracles to
> explain a miracle.  We end up with more miracles to explain than what we
> began with.)
> 6.  (This next point is speculation so may not be a valid point.)   This
> is certainly a more satisfying explanation to the continued presence of NAE
> to cause reactions to continue up to the runaway melting point of the
> reactor.   It seems to me that once the reactor has melted, the inside
> environment would have been exposed to outside air hence should have
> quenched the BEC or solitons or whatever it is,   It seems that a tiny hole
> in the reactor would have quickly quenched the BEC, soltions, etc reaction
> before it creates a bigger hole.  Tell me if I am wrong on this?  Didn't
> the Levi first Hotcat totally melt?  This tells me that the reaction
> continued even after the inside was exposed to outside air.
> If you are knowledgeable enough and understand Hydrinos enough, please
> help me do the calculations of the energy balance.
> Can the hydrino transition even be catalyzed by high temps instead of high
> currents like in the Suncell?
> Jojo
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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