LOL. Mills is not a shyster per se, since he is a brilliant guy and has made a 
big impression on the theoretical end with many smart people. Mills’ problem is 
in taking an intuitive idea and making it work in the real world. I was a big 
fan for a while, but after a certain level of accumulated disappointment, you 
have to face the fact that he would be more productive as an advisor to Rossi 
or Mizuno.


And BTW Kevin – you must attend a church near Stanford, given that at least 
three parishioners have heard of Randell Mills. Most unusual anywhere else 
outside of Joisey. Probably Condi’s favorite, Menlo Pres.


I should add that some fool on one of the forums was bragging that he did not 
have to sign an NDA to attend the earlier demo, but it turns out on closer 
inspection that he had already signed one in the past which was still binding. 


And yes, there is no doubt that - especially the seam welder – if it were 
tested now with a radiation monitor after a few runs, will be shown to be 


Doubt that we will see detail that published … due of course to the NDA.


From: Kevin O'Malley 


You seem to be implying that Dr. Mills is deliberately behaving in a dishonest 

***I didn't pay much attention to Dr. Mills because he had a long string of 
failures but a brilliant career as a theoretician and an ability to attract 
investors.  He's a shyster who's smarter than me and can pull money out of my 

Then  I ran into someone at my church who actually wrote a paper for him 

and another person at my church who was a Harvard PhD Physics candidate until 
he decided he wanted to make money and went into microprocessor architecture.  
He also thinks Mills's theory is coherent.  

But here on Vortex-L we have Jones Beene, who puts together a convincing case 
of failure after failure and now the gloom-gloom-gloomy prospect that anyone 
who attends one of Dr. Mills's demonstrations must sign an NDA.  In particular, 
the NDA is aimed at not disclosing any indications of Nuclear Ash, which would 
be devastating to his theory.  

so I await the day when nuclear ash is associated with any of these CQM 
experiments tthat Dr. Mills puts together.  

I like the simplicity of Jones Beene's argument.



Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson  wrote:

> In short order, my colleague lost his job, was banned, and was never rehired. 
> As a real word


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