Jed sez:


> Some researchers have the odd notion that what they discover "belongs"

> to them in a sense, and they have the privilege of deciding what is it

> is and how it works theoretically.


Being afflicted with a God Complex is an equal opportunity employer. Doesn't 
seem to matter whether one is an atheist or not.


Personally, I admire what Dr. Mills has been attempting to accomplish over the 
past 20+ years. I honestly hope he succeeds. It certainly would save me the 
embarrassment of having to eat crow for having allowed myself to be deluded. 
What can I say, who doesn't want disposable electricity?


For an education of a different sort, I would urge many who are new to Vortex-l 
to browse Dr. Mill's Yahoo [SocietyforClassicalPhysics] group. There you will 
read posts from individuals trying their best to acquire a better grasp of Dr. 
Mills opus CQM theory. Meanwhile, other posters are earnestly trying to acquire 
a better understanding of how the SunCell technology might work out in the real 
world. They really want to help. They are actively looking for potential 
engineering weak points and how best to strengthen them.


But these aren't the posts I'm interested in pointing out here. You will also 
notice a plethora of posts from numerous well-wishers and Dr. Mills admirers 
who have already, in their own minds, divided the bear before it has actually 
been killed. Many are also frothing at the bit, wanting to go after all the 
critics, debunkers, and naysayers who made business difficult for BLP for the 
past couple of decades. This, of course, includes skewering Wikipedia. They 
taste revenge. Take no prisoners. The insanity here is that this attitude is 
essentially built on a tenuous foundation of sand. It's all based on 
technological engineering assumptions (backed by an audacious theory) that has 
not yet been fully verified in the form of a prototype that can be 
independently deployed out in the field. IMHO, this is folly of the worst sort. 
It shows the naivety of some of these posters. I wonder how many of them have 
personally experienced how grueling and difficult actual progress in this field 
has turned out to be. I suspect many of them are newcomers to the exotic 
alternate energy field, and as such have no true understanding or appreciation 
of how difficult and tedious it is to remain "faithful" to this field year 
after year without losing hope... dare I say, of losing faith. For heaven's 
sake, step back for a moment, and watch what's happening! Things are in motion. 
We really don't know what's going to happen next! There's plenty to watch for. 
But wait for the prototype. Wait for the findings that these field tested 
prototypes will hopefully reveal. You don't have that much longer to wait for a 
thumbs up or down. If positive, then you can give yourself permission to 
gloat... but NOT BEFORE!  


Meanwhile, I've read posts where Dr. Mills has personally opined that many 
observers and followers within the CF/LENR field behave as if they were a bunch 
of "cult" admirers hopelessly invested in their own deluded theoretical causes. 
Granted, there may be an element of truth to some of those perceptions, but... 
The irony here is that, IMO, "The Doctor" has already pretty much achieved an 
equivalent stature of cult-hood, of GodHood, given to him by his own growing 
cabal of admirers. The promotion was accomplished without any assistance or 
advise from the CANR-LENR group.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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