Radiation will not be seen in the Mills' arc experiment because an arc that
produces nanoparticles will always result in the formation of a SPP BEC
that will neutralize the nuclear reactions that the spark may produce.

One has to work very hard to avoid BEC formation in spark discharge so that
 radioactive isotopes are formed and gammas are made to appear.

Ken Shoulders got a patent for the remediation of radioactive isotopes
through spark discharge. This means that the remediation effect must both
be real and must have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the patent

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

>  Jones sez:
> > And yes, there is no doubt that - especially the seam welder – if it
> > were tested now with a radiation monitor after a few runs, will be shown
> > to be activated.
> >
> > Doubt that we will see detail that published … due of course to the NDA.
> "No doubt", you say. I admire the certainty of your conviction. But
> then... maybe not. ;-)
> I assume you mean radioactivity will be found emanating from the seam
> welders. How much radioactivity to you speculate has probably accumulated
> by now? To possibly dangerous levels? Feel free to use your imagination on
> this one.
> As I have previously stated, I prefer to stay agnostic on Mills & BLP. My
> motto continues to be: "Trust but verify." Nothing would please me more
> than to get to the bottom line on this "hot" trail. If radioactivity is
> verified - so be it. Maybe CQM will still survive after countless revisions
> are made, revisions which are sure to come regardless of what Mr. Spot
> Welder* has to say on the matter. Or maybe CQM will not survive. In either
> case, hasn't there been a string of revisions happening to standard QM for
> decades? Aren't we constantly tweaking it to help make the square pegs fit
> into round holes? If so, seems to me that CQM is in good company.
> * In no way am I attempt to infer that the distinguished Mr. Jones is Mr.
> Spot Welder disguised in a lab coat.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> svjart.orionworks.com
> zazzle.com/orionworks

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