Auburn University BLP Replication:


Follow the links from the first sentence of the article.

--On Saturday, August 09, 2014 12:38 PM -0300 Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

I don't have anything to ask. When I wrote I don't make heads or tails
of their theory, it's not because I cannot understand because it is too
hard or I missing something in the mumbo jumbo. In fact, what I mean is
an euphemism for their theory being not even wrong. What they do is
worse than W&L theory, because at least these won't try to reformulate
*all* physics with things that are known not to work. 

What they do is either naive or dishonest. But given that their
experiments display a physical sign that it doesn't work (the fast
oxidation of the electrodes) and the massive money they are always
getting plus >20 years of over excuses, I am compelled to at least to
not take them seriously. 

2014-08-09 12:09 GMT-03:00 Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson

But have you, Daniel? Have you tried?



Steven Vincent Johnson

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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