Hello Jones
I already asked Zeilinger a few years ago after i read his book
No respons.

The whole thing boils down to the stucture of the electron and photon. If the 
electron/photon are is described as a point particles
no classical explanation can be given for the quantum entanglement.


From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 9:52 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Re: BLP picks up another 11 M from investors

Hello Peter,


I have to chuckle that you would quote Mills’ GIGO presentation of Aspect here 
as if there was any validity to it at all. Mills should have removed this from 
his book years ago. It is shockingly wrong.


First, the Aspect experiment is old, flawed and long since upgraded, and 
secondly Mills did not explain the underlying phenomenon in any significant 
way. In effect, Mills addressed an erroneous interpretation of a long-abandoned 


As one of my favorite blog commentators quipped: “You do know that EPR-type 
experiments have progressed SIGNIFICANTLY beyond the Aspect experiment, and 
that more accurate tests by Zeilinger have produced even more accurate 
confirmation of QM, don't you? If you are not aware of this, maybe you should 
do some more literature search first and then get back to us if you still are 
not convinced…”  


Mills, in contrast, has no fully independent proof of CQM (but admittedly his 
theory does have its strong points). Mills always has tentacles attached to 
third parties, and therefore there is no independent confirmation of any useful 
portion of it. Which makes this Chapter 37 no more than tripe, in need of 
strong revision. Mills must have stopped his study of QM in the last century.


Please, do not take my word for it – ask Zeilinger or any other QM expert what 
he thinks of CQM. (and hope that you do not get insulted).





From: pjvannoor...@caiway.nl 


Hello Jones

This is Mills explanation of the quantum entanglement:




The crux is that electrons and photons must have a different structure to 
explain these results in a classical way.

By accepting that the structure of electrons and photons are different all the 
predicted strange quantum effects disappear and

the results of every experiment can be explained classically. 





From: Jones Beene 



From: pjvannoorden


As a consequence of this new atomic theory of R.Mills all the strange effects 
in the current quantum theory (like spooky action at a distance… disappear. 
Everything becomes calculable. 


What? Please explain how quantum entanglement is fully explained by Mills’ 


The most spooky thing about Mills is this magical hold which he has on 
otherwise intelligent scientists – which somehow draws them into believing this 
kind of bogosity.



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