notice that there was no copper transmutation in this test. The reason:
whenever you deploy the power in a different way, you change what the
powder will produce in the reaction. Rossi glued the powder down using a
silicon glue. He wanted to spread the powder out.  He did not pack the
powder into a condensed volume and copper was not produced.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:
> If Rossi switched out the ash, he's a fraud.  End of story.
> Here is something you think about. Why would he switch out the ash? What
> possible benefit would that bring to him? What motivation would he have?
> The answers are no reason, none and none. Reasons:
> 1. The people paying for this work do not care about what causes the
> effect. They are interested in excess heat. Whether it comes from Ni
> transmutation or zero-point-energy is beside the point. It will not be more
> convincing to them if Rossi puts unnatural Ni isotopes into the mix. On the
> contrary, that will only confuse the issue and delay the research.
> 2. Suppose he did it. He is bound to be caught sooner or later. If this
> technology ever goes anywhere it will be independently replicated by people
> Rossi never meets, in labs he never goes to. It is certain they will find
> out he is faking. Long term, he will fail. So what short term gain can
> there be?
> 3. Along the same lines, if it is not true, he cannot get a patent for it,
> or a Nobel, or anything else.
> 4. Since people would soon distrust him, this would get in the way of
> proving the excess heat is real, and setting up commercial ventures. The
> excess heat is the only thing with commercial value at this stage, and
> Rossi is only interested in commercial development. He does not give a fig
> about science.
> Levi and Rossi's backers also have zero motivation to fake the Ni results.
> It would not benefit them at all, for the same set of reasons.
> Can you suggest any reason he *would* want to do this? Since this is your
> hypothesis, it is up to you to give a plausible reason why it might be true.
> - Jed

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