And being a 3rd part test I would assume Rossi does not have access or 
opportunity to switch out anything.

From: Blaze Spinnaker []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:26 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Pomp weighs in

Jed, perhaps someone is trying to discredit Rossi and thought this was the best 
way to do so.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Jed Rothwell 
<<>> wrote:
Blaze Spinnaker <<>> 

If Rossi switched out the ash, he's a fraud.  End of story.

Here is something you think about. Why would he switch out the ash? What 
possible benefit would that bring to him? What motivation would he have? The 
answers are no reason, none and none. Reasons:

1. The people paying for this work do not care about what causes the effect. 
They are interested in excess heat. Whether it comes from Ni transmutation or 
zero-point-energy is beside the point. It will not be more convincing to them 
if Rossi puts unnatural Ni isotopes into the mix. On the contrary, that will 
only confuse the issue and delay the research.

2. Suppose he did it. He is bound to be caught sooner or later. If this 
technology ever goes anywhere it will be independently replicated by people 
Rossi never meets, in labs he never goes to. It is certain they will find out 
he is faking. Long term, he will fail. So what short term gain can there be?

3. Along the same lines, if it is not true, he cannot get a patent for it, or a 
Nobel, or anything else.

4. Since people would soon distrust him, this would get in the way of proving 
the excess heat is real, and setting up commercial ventures. The excess heat is 
the only thing with commercial value at this stage, and Rossi is only 
interested in commercial development. He does not give a fig about science.

Levi and Rossi's backers also have zero motivation to fake the Ni results. It 
would not benefit them at all, for the same set of reasons.

Can you suggest any reason he would want to do this? Since this is your 
hypothesis, it is up to you to give a plausible reason why it might be true.

- Jed

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