Hi Ronni

Yes you are right, Cath has my email as per my previous post to you and hasnt 
created her own yet. 
I had completely forgotten that (brain is fried from not much sleep due to lots 
of lightning and thunder the last 2 nights down here!!), so I guess I cant use 
mine until she changes hers would that be correct?

Since I had originally created her ID using my email, could I go in and create 
a new one with her email and password or would I have to do that with her 
iphone (she is still at work)? If I cant use my iphone, could I use her mac 

I wont even go to the Apple store until I sort this big mess out!!

Thanks heaps for your advice Ronni...I guess Im almost got it sussed

Best regards


On 12/12/2012, at 3:05 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Did Cath create a new Apple ID with her email address and password? She can't 
> use your email address as her Apple ID.
> Your email address is already in use as it is "Your Apple ID". You can't 
> change that; as you will not be able to view your complete order history 
> under the same Apple ID. Apple ID accounts cannot be merged.
> If you forgot your password, you can easily recover or reset it using the 
> iForgot tool. <https://iforgot.apple.com/iForgot/iForgot.html>
> For security reasons, Apple cannot reset your password for you.
> NOTE: If you attempt to sign in to the Apple Online Store numerous times with 
> the wrong password, you will see the following error: “This Apple ID has been 
> disabled for security reasons." To reset your account, use the iForgot tool.
> Read Solution 1 below in my previous email.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 12/12/2012, at 2:37 PM, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi Ronni
>> My apologies for not getting back to you on this Apple Id but I have been so 
>> busy and had no need to go to the apple store.
>> I have just attempted to change my ID on my iphone using the settings 
>> approach. Unfortunately it wont let me as it says my email is already in use 
>> as an Apple Id (its mine). I have changed the password but it cant continue 
>> with this email and that is the one I use? Not sure if I should just cancel 
>> and start again?
>> In answer to your original questions, Cath did not already have an apple id 
>> until I went through process I mentioned to create one.
>> Neither of us use iCloud
>> Many thanks for any advice
>> Chris
>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>> Director
>> Western Whale Research
>> PO Box 1076
>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
>> On 04/10/2012, at 12:25 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> You have not mentioned if you wife already has an Apple ID, or if you are 
>>> both using iCloud / iCloud syncing.
>>> My comments are below In Situ.
>>> On 04/10/2012, at 10:03 AM, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ronni
>>>> Thankyou very much for your help on this.
>>>> As Cath doesnt rarely does online activity with her phone, she was 
>>>> surprised when she tapped the App store icon that showed several updates 
>>>> to a number of apps. When she tapped to update the Apple Id loggin 
>>>> appeared and she noticed it had my email as the user name as I had 
>>>> mentioned. 
>>> Sounds like the Apps were purchased using your Apple ID and synced via your 
>>> iTunes Library, is that correct?
>>>> She wants to put in her email address as her Apple Id then choose a 
>>>> password. That would be better as then my email and password would remain 
>>>> for my iphone, ipad etc.
>>> Your wife needs her own Apple ID.
>>>> Should I get her to follow your instructions to change her complete apple 
>>>> id and password for her iphone using her laptop at the apple page you 
>>>> mention?
>>> Some facts to consider before giving a solution:
>>>     • An Apple ID is linked to each iTunes account.
>>>     • An iOS device can have apps on it from any number of iTunes accounts
>>>     • A device can only sync with one iTunes library at a time.
>>>     • Syncing a device with a new iTunes library disassociates it from the 
>>> previous library (and deletes the media synced from the previous library 
>>> from the device).
>>>     • iCloud accounts store contacts, schedules and email and have little 
>>> to do with your iTunes content. 
>>> You probably want separate iCloud accounts unless your wife wants to get 
>>> reminders for your appointments and vice versa.
>>> Given this information, there are a couple of solutions.
>>> Solution 1:
>>> You and your wife use separate iTunes accounts with separate iTunes 
>>> Libraries, on two different computers. 
>>> Here, you each keep your stuff separate, but you can authorize her iTunes 
>>> library to use media from your account and vice versa. 
>>> See Apple knowledgebase article: <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1420>
>>> You still will want different iCloud accounts (if you are using iCloud).
>>> Solution 2:
>>> You use separate iTunes libraries, separate iTunes accounts, but your wife 
>>> can sign into your iTunes account in the App Store app on her iPhone and 
>>> download any of your previous purchases.
>>> From Apple knowledgebase article ht1311:  
>>> <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1311>
>>> "The account ID that was synced to the device is displayed at the bottom of 
>>> each page [in the App Store or iTunes apps], so you'll always know what 
>>> account you are using on the device. 
>>> Simply open iTunes or the App Store on your iOS device and scroll to the 
>>> bottom of any page to see which account is currently in use. 
>>> You can also see this in Settings under the Store option."
>>> I would recommend  Solution 1:
>>> Then you each have your own Apple ID's, your own iTunes Libraries, Media, 
>>> Books, Apps etc.
>>> I would most definitely recommend using two separate Apple ID's for iCloud 
>>> syncing. 
>>> While you can have multiple devices attached to a single Apple ID (as you 
>>> do with your iPhone and iPad), all of the same information will be pushed 
>>> to all devices, meaning you would not have the ability to maintain discrete 
>>> contacts, calendars, bookmarks, etc. 
>>> Apple ID's in general, and for iCloud use in particular, are really 
>>> designed to be single user identifiers.
>>> The good news is that using two separate iCloud ID's does not prohibit you 
>>> and your wife, from still sharing App Store purchases.
>>> iOS devices maintain separate login information for iCloud syncing, App 
>>> Store and iTunes account info. 
>>> So if you decide to go with Solution 1:
>>> A) If your Wife does NOT already have an Apple ID she needs to "Create an 
>>> Apple ID" at the link I supplied previously:
>>> <https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/>
>>> B) If she already DOES have an Apple ID (but her iPhone is showing your 
>>> Apple ID, as your email address is showing.
>>> 1. On her iPhone Go to: Settings > iTunes & App Stores >tap the Apple ID 
>>> shown
>>> 2. Sign out.
>>> 3. Sign back IN with her Apple ID or her NEW Apple ID (if she has created a 
>>> new Apple ID in A)
>>> Hope what I've written above is clear and helpful to you.
>>>> Thanks heaps Ronni
>>> You're welcome Chris.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>>> regards
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 03/10/2012, at 1:14 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> Does you wife already have an Apple ID?
>>>>> Settings > iTunes & App Stores >tap the ID shown, sign out, sign back in 
>>>>> with new ID.
>>>>> Then your wife will just sync it with the computer connected to the Apple 
>>>>> ID she wishes to use,
>>>>> but it will mean she will have apps and media that Apple ID has access to.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> You can change your Apple ID, password, or personal information at the 
>>>>> "My Apple ID" page 
>>>>> <https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/> by clicking 
>>>>> the "Manage your account" link at any time. Changes you make to your 
>>>>> Apple ID account while you're in iTunes or the Mac App Store are also 
>>>>> recognised by other applications where you use the same Apple Account 
>>>>> (such as the Apple Online Store or iPhoto). 
>>>>> You may be asked to verify your information the next time you use your 
>>>>> Apple ID to purchase something in another application.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> On 03/10/2012, at 12:52 PM, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Muggers
>>>>>> Im not sure how to change the apple id on my wife's iphone as it has the 
>>>>>> same username (my email address) as my iphone, and Cath wants to use her 
>>>>>> email address as the user id?
>>>>>> I assume this came about because I registered her iphone earlier this 
>>>>>> year on my Macbook Pro which uses my username and password, would that 
>>>>>> be right?
>>>>>> Is there a way of changing her username and password? Im not sure how 
>>>>>> and I dont want to inadvertently lock her phone or do something dumb
>>>>>> Many thanks for your help
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>>>>> Director
>>>>>> Western Whale Research
>>>>>> PO Box 1076
>>>>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>>>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>>>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
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