Hi Alex

You can't do it from within iTunes, as it would be bypass Apple's DRM (as Ronni 
Basically to get iTunes off the ground years ago, Apple had to work around 
things to get the music companies on board (loooong story which I won't go 
To do that, they had to "lock" what the iPod could do, and the way music could 
go. i.e. it can only go from iTunes to iPod and not the other way. This was to 
stop people taking their music they bough and ripping it back to someone else's 
music collection and vice versa. (hey, you buy $100 worth of music, I buy $100 
worth of music. We rip it to each other collection and have $200 of music). I'm 
not saying everyone would do this, i'm just using this as an example to help 
explain it :o)
(And not implying you would either, just trying to show why it's done that way).

The way around it to get back music that is yours, is to use either of a 
program called iRip (used to be called iPodRip but they got asked to change 
their name) or Senuti (which is iTunes spelt backwards,..get 
it,..backwards,..like taking your music backwards from your iPod to iTunes. 
Clever eh!) :o)

iRip can be downloaded from here

Senuti can be downloaded from here

Neither program is free but they do let you try it to see if it's going to do 
what you want.

I've used iRip a few times for clients who've lost music on their main machine 
but it's still on their iPod and they need to get it back. I've found it works 
really well and bought it years ago. Actually I really like a lot of the apps 
from The Little App Factory, they make some great stuff.

Hope that info helps!

Kind regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

On 07/10/2012, at 12:18 AM, Alex <aln...@highway1.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> thanks a million for your instructions below - only managed to try it  
> out late Sat night & all worked out well.  My daughter is pleased &  
> sends her thanks as well.
> However, we do have a further question which has arisen from this  
> issue and that is: is it possible to copy songs FROM the iPod to  
> iTunes on the iMac?  Have tried but doesn't seem to work.
> No rush,  cheers, Alex
> On 05/10/2012, at 2:33 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Apple's DRM is "Digital Rights Management" (but Apple for the past  
>> few years has DRM-free music.)
>> Before you do anything "Backup"your computer... Make sure your  
>> iTunes Folder is backed up, just to be safe.
>> When your daughter connects her iPod to the new iMac, is iTunes  
>> automatically opening and she receives a message similar to below?
>> ---
>> "The iPod 'iPod Nano' is synced with another iTunes Library. An iPod  
>> can be synced with only one iTunes Library at a time.
>> What would you like to do? .... with three buttons at the bottom  
>> 'Cancel' 'Erase and Sync' 'Transfer Purchases'
>> ---
>> If so try this; after backing up your current iTunes Library as  
>> mentioned above ;-)
>> On the new iMac:
>> A)
>> BEFORE you plug the iPod into the computer:
>> 1. Open iTunes
>> 2. Go to the iTunes menu -> Preferences -> Devices.
>> 3. look for the icon or tab that says Devices. Choose it.
>> 4. Just below the box, you’ll see a checkbox reading "Prevent iPods,  
>> iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically."
>> 5. Check it and click OK at the bottom of the window.
>> Auto-Sync is now turned off and you’re safe to plug the iPod into  
>> the computer.
>> B) Put the iPod into Manual Mode:
>> 6. Connect the iPod
>> If you want to keep the music library on your iPod, but copy songs  
>> or playlists from the music library on the second computer,
>> click 'CANCEL' when the dialogue box appears, and then set your iPod  
>> to manual mode.
>> Change the device synchronization mode to manual mode in iTunes:
>> 1.  Open iTunes, if necessary.
>> 2.  Select your device under 'Devices' in the menu on the left-hand  
>> side of iTunes.
>> 3.  Click the Summary tab.
>> 4.  Click "Manually manage music and videos" to enable that option.
>> 5.  Click OK in the resulting dialogue box.
>> 6.  Click Apply.
>> It is normal for your device to take a few seconds to change from  
>> Automatic Mode to Manual Mode.
>> When in Manual Mode, to add songs or playlists, drag them from  
>> iTunes to the iPod icon in the sidebar.
>> To remove songs or playlists, select them on the iPod in iTunes and  
>> press the delete key.
>> You can also create playlists directly on the iPod.
>> Let me know how you get on please.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>> OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>> On 05/10/2012, at 12:41 PM, aln...@highway1.com.au wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni
>>> No rush - please look into it only when you have time comfortably.
>>> Answers to questions below.
>>> Cheers,  Alex
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: wamug@wamug.org.au
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent:Fri, 05 Oct 2012 07:36:52 +0800
>>> Subject:Re: Apple Id - now iTunes query
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> I'm rushing out to see a client now, but I will reply to your query
>>> ASAP after I return home.
>>> Hopefully later this morning.
>>> A few questions for you to answer please:
>>> What OS X is the new iMac running OS X 10.?   10.6.8
>>> What version of iTunes 10.?, 9.?        10.6.1 (7)
>>> Is the NEW iTunes Library Empty?     NO
>>> If not what does it have in it? Just music or Books etc & iTunes
>>> Store purchases?    Music, 1 movie - incs iTunes Store purchases,
>>> some music purchased from JB etc
>>> Does the iPod only have Music on it?      YES + 1 (?) video
>>> (video not important)
>>> Or does it have photos as well?      NO
>>> Is there any iTunes Purchased music (Apple's DRM) songs which need to
>>> be authorised for every Mac they're played on?    Prob only this
>>> Mac. Not sure what "Apple's DRM" means?
>>> I'll get back to you after your reply to my questions and as soon as
>>> I possibly am able to.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 05/10/2012, at 12:41 AM, Alex  wrote:
>>>> Hi Ronni
>>>> On 04/10/2012, at 12:25 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>>> • A device can only sync with one iTunes library at a time.
>>>>> • Syncing a device with a new iTunes library disassociates it
>>> from
>>>>> the previous library (and deletes the media synced from the
>>> previous
>>>>> library from the device).
>>>> We had an older iMac which my daughter shared to store her music in
>>>> iTunes and subsequently transferred to her iPod (Nano, I think).
>>>> Since we upgraded to a more recent iMac she has complained that
>>> when
>>>> she connects to it iTunes states that it will delete what is
>>> already
>>>> on the iPod, even though attempting to manually transfer music.
>>> From
>>>> what you said above, I guess she is right, although I thought you
>>>> should be able to manually transfer individual bits & pieces,
>>> rather
>>>> than syncing? Not using iCloud
>>>> So how does she keep the old stuff on the iPod & also get to
>>> connect
>>>> to the new iTunes/iMac & add the new music? Will it be similar to
>>>> Chris Burton's solution?
>>>> I unfortunately deleted the iTunes Music folder on the old iMac
>>> after
>>>> I thought everything had been transferred (but somehow wasn't). Was
>>>> about to buy Data Rescue 3 this evening, but will hold off until I
>>> get
>>>> your advice.
>>>> Really appreciate your work & expertise,
>>>> Cheers, Alex
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