Hi Ronni

thanks a million for your instructions below - only managed to try it  
out late Sat night & all worked out well.  My daughter is pleased &  
sends her thanks as well.

However, we do have a further question which has arisen from this  
issue and that is: is it possible to copy songs FROM the iPod to  
iTunes on the iMac?  Have tried but doesn't seem to work.

No rush,  cheers, Alex

On 05/10/2012, at 2:33 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Apple's DRM is "Digital Rights Management" (but Apple for the past  
> few years has DRM-free music.)
> Before you do anything "Backup"your computer... Make sure your  
> iTunes Folder is backed up, just to be safe.
> When your daughter connects her iPod to the new iMac, is iTunes  
> automatically opening and she receives a message similar to below?
> ---
> "The iPod 'iPod Nano' is synced with another iTunes Library. An iPod  
> can be synced with only one iTunes Library at a time.
> What would you like to do? .... with three buttons at the bottom  
> 'Cancel' 'Erase and Sync' 'Transfer Purchases'
> ---
> If so try this; after backing up your current iTunes Library as  
> mentioned above ;-)
> On the new iMac:
> A)
> BEFORE you plug the iPod into the computer:
> 1. Open iTunes
> 2. Go to the iTunes menu -> Preferences -> Devices.
> 3. look for the icon or tab that says Devices. Choose it.
> 4. Just below the box, you’ll see a checkbox reading "Prevent iPods,  
> iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically."
> 5. Check it and click OK at the bottom of the window.
> Auto-Sync is now turned off and you’re safe to plug the iPod into  
> the computer.
> B) Put the iPod into Manual Mode:
> 6. Connect the iPod
> If you want to keep the music library on your iPod, but copy songs  
> or playlists from the music library on the second computer,
> click 'CANCEL' when the dialogue box appears, and then set your iPod  
> to manual mode.
> Change the device synchronization mode to manual mode in iTunes:
> 1.  Open iTunes, if necessary.
> 2.  Select your device under 'Devices' in the menu on the left-hand  
> side of iTunes.
> 3.  Click the Summary tab.
> 4.  Click "Manually manage music and videos" to enable that option.
> 5.  Click OK in the resulting dialogue box.
> 6.  Click Apply.
> It is normal for your device to take a few seconds to change from  
> Automatic Mode to Manual Mode.
> When in Manual Mode, to add songs or playlists, drag them from  
> iTunes to the iPod icon in the sidebar.
> To remove songs or playlists, select them on the iPod in iTunes and  
> press the delete key.
> You can also create playlists directly on the iPod.
> Let me know how you get on please.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 05/10/2012, at 12:41 PM, aln...@highway1.com.au wrote:
>> Hi Ronni
>> No rush - please look into it only when you have time comfortably.
>> Answers to questions below.
>> Cheers,  Alex
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: wamug@wamug.org.au
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Sent:Fri, 05 Oct 2012 07:36:52 +0800
>> Subject:Re: Apple Id - now iTunes query
>> Hi Alex,
>> I'm rushing out to see a client now, but I will reply to your query
>> ASAP after I return home.
>> Hopefully later this morning.
>> A few questions for you to answer please:
>> What OS X is the new iMac running OS X 10.?   10.6.8
>> What version of iTunes 10.?, 9.?        10.6.1 (7)
>> Is the NEW iTunes Library Empty?     NO
>> If not what does it have in it? Just music or Books etc & iTunes
>> Store purchases?    Music, 1 movie - incs iTunes Store purchases,
>> some music purchased from JB etc
>> Does the iPod only have Music on it?      YES + 1 (?) video
>> (video not important)
>> Or does it have photos as well?      NO
>> Is there any iTunes Purchased music (Apple's DRM) songs which need to
>> be authorised for every Mac they're played on?    Prob only this
>> Mac. Not sure what "Apple's DRM" means?
>> I'll get back to you after your reply to my questions and as soon as
>> I possibly am able to.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 05/10/2012, at 12:41 AM, Alex  wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni
>>> On 04/10/2012, at 12:25 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>> • A device can only sync with one iTunes library at a time.
>>>> • Syncing a device with a new iTunes library disassociates it
>> from
>>>> the previous library (and deletes the media synced from the
>> previous
>>>> library from the device).
>>> We had an older iMac which my daughter shared to store her music in
>>> iTunes and subsequently transferred to her iPod (Nano, I think).
>>> Since we upgraded to a more recent iMac she has complained that
>> when
>>> she connects to it iTunes states that it will delete what is
>> already
>>> on the iPod, even though attempting to manually transfer music.
>> From
>>> what you said above, I guess she is right, although I thought you
>>> should be able to manually transfer individual bits & pieces,
>> rather
>>> than syncing? Not using iCloud
>>> So how does she keep the old stuff on the iPod & also get to
>> connect
>>> to the new iTunes/iMac & add the new music? Will it be similar to
>>> Chris Burton's solution?
>>> I unfortunately deleted the iTunes Music folder on the old iMac
>> after
>>> I thought everything had been transferred (but somehow wasn't). Was
>>> about to buy Data Rescue 3 this evening, but will hold off until I
>> get
>>> your advice.
>>> Really appreciate your work & expertise,
>>> Cheers, Alex
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