Hi Ronni

My apologies for not getting back to you on this Apple Id but I have been so 
busy and had no need to go to the apple store.

I have just attempted to change my ID on my iphone using the settings approach. 
Unfortunately it wont let me as it says my email is already in use as an Apple 
Id (its mine). I have changed the password but it cant continue with this email 
and that is the one I use? Not sure if I should just cancel and start again?

In answer to your original questions, Cath did not already have an apple id 
until I went through process I mentioned to create one.

Neither of us use iCloud

Many thanks for any advice


Christopher L.K. Burton
Western Whale Research
PO Box 1076
Dunsborough WA 6281
Mobile: 0419 199 120
Email: c...@it.net.au 

On 04/10/2012, at 12:25 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> You have not mentioned if you wife already has an Apple ID, or if you are 
> both using iCloud / iCloud syncing.
> My comments are below In Situ.
> On 04/10/2012, at 10:03 AM, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi Ronni
>> Thankyou very much for your help on this.
>> As Cath doesnt rarely does online activity with her phone, she was surprised 
>> when she tapped the App store icon that showed several updates to a number 
>> of apps. When she tapped to update the Apple Id loggin appeared and she 
>> noticed it had my email as the user name as I had mentioned. 
> Sounds like the Apps were purchased using your Apple ID and synced via your 
> iTunes Library, is that correct?
>> She wants to put in her email address as her Apple Id then choose a 
>> password. That would be better as then my email and password would remain 
>> for my iphone, ipad etc.
> Your wife needs her own Apple ID.
>> Should I get her to follow your instructions to change her complete apple id 
>> and password for her iphone using her laptop at the apple page you mention?
> Some facts to consider before giving a solution:
>       • An Apple ID is linked to each iTunes account.
>       • An iOS device can have apps on it from any number of iTunes accounts
>       • A device can only sync with one iTunes library at a time.
>       • Syncing a device with a new iTunes library disassociates it from the 
> previous library (and deletes the media synced from the previous library from 
> the device).
>       • iCloud accounts store contacts, schedules and email and have little 
> to do with your iTunes content. 
> You probably want separate iCloud accounts unless your wife wants to get 
> reminders for your appointments and vice versa.
> Given this information, there are a couple of solutions.
> Solution 1:
> You and your wife use separate iTunes accounts with separate iTunes 
> Libraries, on two different computers. 
> Here, you each keep your stuff separate, but you can authorize her iTunes 
> library to use media from your account and vice versa. 
> See Apple knowledgebase article: <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1420>
> You still will want different iCloud accounts (if you are using iCloud).
> Solution 2:
> You use separate iTunes libraries, separate iTunes accounts, but your wife 
> can sign into your iTunes account in the App Store app on her iPhone and 
> download any of your previous purchases.
> From Apple knowledgebase article ht1311:  <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1311>
> "The account ID that was synced to the device is displayed at the bottom of 
> each page [in the App Store or iTunes apps], so you'll always know what 
> account you are using on the device. 
> Simply open iTunes or the App Store on your iOS device and scroll to the 
> bottom of any page to see which account is currently in use. 
> You can also see this in Settings under the Store option."
> I would recommend  Solution 1:
> Then you each have your own Apple ID's, your own iTunes Libraries, Media, 
> Books, Apps etc.
> I would most definitely recommend using two separate Apple ID's for iCloud 
> syncing. 
> While you can have multiple devices attached to a single Apple ID (as you do 
> with your iPhone and iPad), all of the same information will be pushed to all 
> devices, meaning you would not have the ability to maintain discrete 
> contacts, calendars, bookmarks, etc. 
> Apple ID's in general, and for iCloud use in particular, are really designed 
> to be single user identifiers.
> The good news is that using two separate iCloud ID's does not prohibit you 
> and your wife, from still sharing App Store purchases.
> iOS devices maintain separate login information for iCloud syncing, App Store 
> and iTunes account info. 
> So if you decide to go with Solution 1:
> A) If your Wife does NOT already have an Apple ID she needs to "Create an 
> Apple ID" at the link I supplied previously:
> <https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/>
> B) If she already DOES have an Apple ID (but her iPhone is showing your Apple 
> ID, as your email address is showing.
> 1. On her iPhone Go to: Settings > iTunes & App Stores >tap the Apple ID shown
> 2. Sign out.
> 3. Sign back IN with her Apple ID or her NEW Apple ID (if she has created a 
> new Apple ID in A)
> Hope what I've written above is clear and helpful to you.
>> Thanks heaps Ronni
> You're welcome Chris.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
>> regards
>> Chris
>> On 03/10/2012, at 1:14 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> Does you wife already have an Apple ID?
>>> Settings > iTunes & App Stores >tap the ID shown, sign out, sign back in 
>>> with new ID.
>>> Then your wife will just sync it with the computer connected to the Apple 
>>> ID she wishes to use,
>>> but it will mean she will have apps and media that Apple ID has access to.
>>> ---
>>> You can change your Apple ID, password, or personal information at the "My 
>>> Apple ID" page 
>>> <https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/> by clicking 
>>> the "Manage your account" link at any time. Changes you make to your Apple 
>>> ID account while you're in iTunes or the Mac App Store are also recognised 
>>> by other applications where you use the same Apple Account (such as the 
>>> Apple Online Store or iPhoto). 
>>> You may be asked to verify your information the next time you use your 
>>> Apple ID to purchase something in another application.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 03/10/2012, at 12:52 PM, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi Muggers
>>>> Im not sure how to change the apple id on my wife's iphone as it has the 
>>>> same username (my email address) as my iphone, and Cath wants to use her 
>>>> email address as the user id?
>>>> I assume this came about because I registered her iphone earlier this year 
>>>> on my Macbook Pro which uses my username and password, would that be right?
>>>> Is there a way of changing her username and password? Im not sure how and 
>>>> I dont want to inadvertently lock her phone or do something dumb
>>>> Many thanks for your help
>>>> Chris
>>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>>> Director
>>>> Western Whale Research
>>>> PO Box 1076
>>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
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