Thanks Ronni,

For me it all went awry when my very new iPhone in a very new supposedly water 
proof case got wet after the carbon fibre shaft of a two month old you-beaut 
oar snapped and the single scull I was in flipped.

The case was not entirely waterproof and the iPhone got a little damp - damp 
enough to be replaced by Telstra. Telstra had set up the damaged phone and 
everything went very well but for some reason the replacement phone was set up 
for POP and my laptop was set up for IMAP.

As from 8:05 this morning I’ve been set up for IMAP on phone and laptop.


Michael Hawkins.

> On 16 Oct 2015, at 12:11 pm, Ronni Brown <> wrote:
> Hi Peter, Neil and Michael,
> Starting in  iOS 6 the iOS email setup became smarter, and tries to figure 
> out whether your ISP supports IMAP, and if it does, creates an IMAP account 
> on the iPhone.
> If your ISP does not support IMAP it creates a POP3 account. 
> There are 2 problems with this added intelligence:
> 1. Sometimes it makes a mistake, and creates a POP account even if the ISP 
> supports IMAP.
> 2. Sometimes even if your ISP supports IMAP you might prefer a POP account. 
> (I don’t know why people would but…)
> I’ve had this happen where the iPhone would auto select POP even though the 
> server supported IMAP.
> One way you can force the setup to give you a choice of POP or IMAP.
> Is to type in a fake email address dpj...@dpe.sp <mailto:dpj...@dpe.sp> when 
> setting it up, iOS will then try to auto-discover the account settings when 
> it can’t it will ask you to fill in the server details and you can select POP 
> or IMAP.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 13-inch MacBook Air (April 2014)
> 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost to 3.3GHz
> 512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage
> El Capitan OS X 10.11
>> On 16 Oct 2015, at 11:35 AM, 
>> <> wrote:
>> G'day Neil and Michael, I was momentarily puzzled when establishing the IMAP 
>> accounts on my IOS devices. The option to choose IMAP or POP does not 
>> present until you go to enter the Outgoing server details. if you scroll to 
>> the top of that screen, at the top are the push buttons for IMAP OR POP. The 
>> account set up process on iOS seems to ask for Incoming server details 
>> first, whereupon entering that a "Verify" operation occurs. Following that - 
>> and for some reason my iphone  had defaulted to self nomiating a Bigpond 
>> outgoing server (I am Westnet) and perhaps as a result of the FAIL it 
>> provided me the choice at that point to select IMAP. I had not been aware of 
>> this prior to the other day when I was making the changes across my devices 
>> per the thread below.
>> So to answer Michael's question below, yes you have the choice in the setup 
>> phase in iOS to select IMAP or POP and also Westnet do accommodate this 
>> account type.
>> Having now made the change to IMAP and used in that way for a couple of 
>> days, I am kicking myself for not knowing why I tolerated for so long 
>> deleting stuff in 3 places as the POP configuration requires.
>> Pete.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From:
>> <>
>> To:
>> "WAMUG" < <>>
>> Cc:
>> Sent:
>> Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:50:53 +0800
>> Subject:
>> Re: How to convert a POP email account to IMAP
>> Hi Michael,
>> It's not that mail in iOS can't handle POP accounts - I do have a number of
>> POP accounts on my iPhone, though they would all have been set-up under
>> earlier iOS versions.
>> The problem was setting up a new email account with an internode email
>> address. As soon as I input the mail server and password (before I've
>> finished setting up the account) it goes to "verifying" and then comes back
>> set as IMAP - I can then finish setting up (setting description, etc) and
>> have the option of saving or cancelling. Cancelling looses every thing and
>> you have to start all over again - save and the account is all set-up.
>> Nowhere does there seem to be an option to choose between POP and IMAP.
>> My iPhone4 came with iOS 4 and is limited to iOS 7. I am currently running
>> the terminal update for my phone which is iOS 7.1.2
>> As I say, the POP accounts would have been set-up pre iOS 7 - so I don't
>> know if the problem is with the upgraded iOS or just something different
>> about the internode email set-up.
>> However, the same email address is accessed by POP accounts on at least 3
>> computers - all running SL ;o) - so I now think the internode email is not
>> the problem.
>> It seems more likely that it is down to changes in iOS and Apple deciding
>> that it knows better than we do how we want things set-up :o((
>> Of course, I'd be happy to be proved wrong if anyone could point me to the
>> hidden IMAP/POP switch anywhere in the settings ;o)
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> -- 
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> Email: <>
>> on 16/10/15 2:37, Michael Hawkins at 
>> <> wrote:
>> > If IMAP is the default setting for IOS on each Apple device, can it be
>> > over-ridden and POP specified instead?
>> > I use Westnet as ISP
>> > I read emails on my laptop and on my iPhone either by logging in through 
>> > Mail
>> > on my Apple devices or by using webmail on whatever computer I could lay my
>> > hands on, whether it be mine or a total strangers.
>> > 
>> > Found it very useful to be able to clean out emails by accessing Mail from
>> > iPhone, selecting each email I wanted to delete by ticking box, then 
>> > pressing
>> > delete. Result was no longer appeared in my laptop and no longer appeared 
>> > if
>> > logged onto webmail.
>> > (Same result if deleted email when logged on in Mail using laptop - if 
>> > deleted
>> > from laptop also deleted from iPhone and Server).
>> > From time to time access email by using webmail, in which case deleting 
>> > email
>> > meant it did not show up if I subsequently checked email by using laptop 
>> > or by
>> > using iPhone.
>> > 
>> > I think possible results are
>> > (A) delete email on every one of Apple devices I use to check emails via 
>> > Mail
>> > if deleted on server
>> > (B) delete email on Server when it is deleted on Apple device used to check
>> > emails
>> > (C) remain on Server if deleted on Apple device, so email still available 
>> > on
>> > other devices used to check emails
>> > (D) deleted on Server and not accessible on any device if deleted by using
>> > webmail
>> > (E) remain accessible in deleted email box until specifically deleted from
>> > deleted email box.
>> > 
>> > Assuming my list of possibilities is complete, what are the possible
>> > permutations? Can Server be set to IMAP, laptop be set to POP and iPhone be
>> > set to IMAP, or must each setting on each device be the same if emails are
>> > checked using an iOS device?
>> > 
>> > Do deletion permutations vary depending upon whether POP or IMAP is 
>> > selected
>> > on ISP server?
>> > 
>> > Thank you,
>> > 
>> > Michael Hawkins
>> > Sent from my iPhone
>> > 
>> >> On 14 Oct 2015, at 9:40 PM, Rob Phillips < 
>> >> <>> wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> I guess this should all work, as long as you don't get one of your POP
>> >> accounts to delete messages from the server when you download it.
>> >> 
>> >> Rob
>> >> 
>> >>> On 14/10/2015 7:08 pm, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> >>> Hi Pete, Hi Daniel,
>> >>> 
>> >>> I've been following this thread with some interest. If I understand the
>> >>> thread, the decision as to whether an account is IMAP or POP should be 
>> >>> set
>> >>> at the hosting server and then the account in the email program has to be
>> >>> set to match (ie use the same protocol).
>> >>> 
>> >>> Georgie & I have our own domains and generally use email accounts we have
>> >>> set-up on those. We have VERY limited email storage associated with these
>> >>> accounts and so we use POP and download everything from the server. No
>> >>> problems here except that there is also limited bandwidth and so
>> >>> occasionally we can hit the bandwidth limit. At some stage I will upgrade
>> >>> the hosting package which will address the storage/bandwidth limitations.
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> Our broadband provider (Internode) also provides email and so I set-up an
>> >>> internode email address for each of us - more as a back-up, we don't 
>> >>> really
>> >>> use them as they would disappear if we changed Broadband providers.
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> I set these up several years ago, so I don't really remember the steps
>> >>> involved - but I can see that the email accounts on the computer are set 
>> >>> as
>> >>> POP accounts and everything works fine (test emails to and from both 
>> >>> mine &
>> >>> Georgies accounts.
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> Now, here's where it gets confusing....
>> >>> 
>> >>> Recently Georgie was getting (and due to get) quite a lot of emails with
>> >>> large phoo files attached - so I suggested she use her internode email
>> >>> address to avoid running into bandwidth/storage limitations on her 
>> >>> personal
>> >>> email accounts. She had forgotten that she had this account and it was 
>> >>> only
>> >>> configured on the computers so she asked me to set-up the account on her
>> >>> iPhone - which I did - only to find that mail on IOS automatically set 
>> >>> up an
>> >>> IMAP account!
>> >>> 
>> >>> So now it seems that there is an IMAP account on the iPhone and POP 
>> >>> accounts
>> >>> on several computers all connecting to the same basic Internode email
>> >>> account. All seem to work well and send and receive email OK.
>> >>> 
>> >>> The IMAP account leaves messages on the server (as you would expect). The
>> >>> POP accounts on the secondary computers also leave messages on the server
>> >>> (as they have been set to do) and the POP account on her main computer
>> >>> downloads messages from the server (as it has been set to do).
>> >>> 
>> >>> I currently have 15 email accounts set-up in my email client on my 
>> >>> computer
>> >>> and ALL are POP - so I would prefer to just keep everything the same.
>> >>> However Mail on IOS on the iPhones just automatically sets the internode
>> >>> accounts to IMAP and does not let me select POP.
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> So I seem to have a hybrid IMAP/POP set-up - which just seems wrong!
>> >>> However, it all seems to work OK!
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> Any comments? Am I likely to run into any problems with this set-up?
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> Cheers
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> Neil
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