Hello Peter and Neil,

Thank you for responding. Rather than blunder my way through written 
instructions from iinet/Westnet I’ve taken the easy way out and everything was 
sorted out during a phone consultation with a Westnet/Iinet fellow in Melbourne 
who was able to access my computer through LMIRescue. 

I’ve been with iinet/Westnet for 19 years or so and was on a legacy system. I’m 
now on a new much cheaper system for emails and my iPhone has been set up to 
use IMAP rather than POP.

So far life is much simpler.


Yosemite 10.10.5
Mail 8.2

> On 16 Oct 2015, at 11:35 am, <petercr...@westnet.com.au> 
> <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
> G'day Neil and Michael, I was momentarily puzzled when establishing the IMAP 
> accounts on my IOS devices. The option to choose IMAP or POP does not present 
> until you go to enter the Outgoing server details. if you scroll to the top 
> of that screen, at the top are the push buttons for IMAP OR POP. The account 
> set up process on iOS seems to ask for Incoming server details first, 
> whereupon entering that a "Verify" operation occurs. Following that - and for 
> some reason my iPhone  had defaulted to self nominating a Bigpond outgoing 
> server (I am Westnet) and perhaps as a result of the FAIL it provided me the 
> choice at that point to select IMAP. I had not been aware of this prior to 
> the other day when I was making the changes across my devices per the thread 
> below.
> So to answer Michael's question below, yes you have the choice in the setup 
> phase in iOS to select IMAP or POP and also Westnet do accommodate this 
> account type.
> Having now made the change to IMAP and used in that way for a couple of days, 
> I am kicking myself for not knowing why I tolerated for so long deleting 
> stuff in 3 places as the POP configuration requires.
> Pete.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> wamug@wamug.org.au
> To:
> "WAMUG" <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Cc:
> Sent:
> Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:50:53 +0800
> Subject:
> Re: How to convert a POP email account to IMAP
> Hi Michael,
> It's not that mail in iOS can't handle POP accounts - I do have a number of
> POP accounts on my iPhone, though they would all have been set-up under
> earlier iOS versions.
> The problem was setting up a new email account with an internode email
> address. As soon as I input the mail server and password (before I've
> finished setting up the account) it goes to "verifying" and then comes back
> set as IMAP - I can then finish setting up (setting description, etc) and
> have the option of saving or cancelling. Cancelling looses every thing and
> you have to start all over again - save and the account is all set-up.
> Nowhere does there seem to be an option to choose between POP and IMAP.
> My iPhone4 came with iOS 4 and is limited to iOS 7. I am currently running
> the terminal update for my phone which is iOS 7.1.2
> As I say, the POP accounts would have been set-up pre iOS 7 - so I don't
> know if the problem is with the upgraded iOS or just something different
> about the internode email set-up.
> However, the same email address is accessed by POP accounts on at least 3
> computers - all running SL ;o) - so I now think the internode email is not
> the problem.
> It seems more likely that it is down to changes in iOS and Apple deciding
> that it knows better than we do how we want things set-up :o((
> Of course, I'd be happy to be proved wrong if anyone could point me to the
> hidden IMAP/POP switch anywhere in the settings ;o)
> Cheers
> Neil
> -- 
> Neil R. Houghton
> Albany, Western Australia
> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
> Email: n...@possumology.com
> on 16/10/15 2:37, Michael Hawkins at michael.hawk...@mjhawkins.com.au wrote:
> > If IMAP is the default setting for IOS on each Apple device, can it be
> > over-ridden and POP specified instead?
> > I use Westnet as ISP
> > I read emails on my laptop and on my iPhone either by logging in through 
> > Mail
> > on my Apple devices or by using webmail on whatever computer I could lay my
> > hands on, whether it be mine or a total strangers.
> > 
> > Found it very useful to be able to clean out emails by accessing Mail from
> > iPhone, selecting each email I wanted to delete by ticking box, then 
> > pressing
> > delete. Result was no longer appeared in my laptop and no longer appeared if
> > logged onto webmail.
> > (Same result if deleted email when logged on in Mail using laptop - if 
> > deleted
> > from laptop also deleted from iPhone and Server).
> > From time to time access email by using webmail, in which case deleting 
> > email
> > meant it did not show up if I subsequently checked email by using laptop or 
> > by
> > using iPhone.
> > 
> > I think possible results are
> > (A) delete email on every one of Apple devices I use to check emails via 
> > Mail
> > if deleted on server
> > (B) delete email on Server when it is deleted on Apple device used to check
> > emails
> > (C) remain on Server if deleted on Apple device, so email still available on
> > other devices used to check emails
> > (D) deleted on Server and not accessible on any device if deleted by using
> > webmail
> > (E) remain accessible in deleted email box until specifically deleted from
> > deleted email box.
> > 
> > Assuming my list of possibilities is complete, what are the possible
> > permutations? Can Server be set to IMAP, laptop be set to POP and iPhone be
> > set to IMAP, or must each setting on each device be the same if emails are
> > checked using an iOS device?
> > 
> > Do deletion permutations vary depending upon whether POP or IMAP is selected
> > on ISP server?
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > 
> > Michael Hawkins
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> >> On 14 Oct 2015, at 9:40 PM, Rob Phillips <r.phill...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> >> 
> >> I guess this should all work, as long as you don't get one of your POP
> >> accounts to delete messages from the server when you download it.
> >> 
> >> Rob
> >> 
> >>> On 14/10/2015 7:08 pm, Neil Houghton wrote:
> >>> Hi Pete, Hi Daniel,
> >>> 
> >>> I've been following this thread with some interest. If I understand the
> >>> thread, the decision as to whether an account is IMAP or POP should be set
> >>> at the hosting server and then the account in the email program has to be
> >>> set to match (ie use the same protocol).
> >>> 
> >>> Georgie & I have our own domains and generally use email accounts we have
> >>> set-up on those. We have VERY limited email storage associated with these
> >>> accounts and so we use POP and download everything from the server. No
> >>> problems here except that there is also limited bandwidth and so
> >>> occasionally we can hit the bandwidth limit. At some stage I will upgrade
> >>> the hosting package which will address the storage/bandwidth limitations.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Our broadband provider (Internode) also provides email and so I set-up an
> >>> internode email address for each of us - more as a back-up, we don't 
> >>> really
> >>> use them as they would disappear if we changed Broadband providers.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> I set these up several years ago, so I don't really remember the steps
> >>> involved - but I can see that the email accounts on the computer are set 
> >>> as
> >>> POP accounts and everything works fine (test emails to and from both mine 
> >>> &
> >>> Georgies accounts.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Now, here's where it gets confusing....
> >>> 
> >>> Recently Georgie was getting (and due to get) quite a lot of emails with
> >>> large phoo files attached - so I suggested she use her internode email
> >>> address to avoid running into bandwidth/storage limitations on her 
> >>> personal
> >>> email accounts. She had forgotten that she had this account and it was 
> >>> only
> >>> configured on the computers so she asked me to set-up the account on her
> >>> iPhone - which I did - only to find that mail on IOS automatically set up 
> >>> an
> >>> IMAP account!
> >>> 
> >>> So now it seems that there is an IMAP account on the iPhone and POP 
> >>> accounts
> >>> on several computers all connecting to the same basic Internode email
> >>> account. All seem to work well and send and receive email OK.
> >>> 
> >>> The IMAP account leaves messages on the server (as you would expect). The
> >>> POP accounts on the secondary computers also leave messages on the server
> >>> (as they have been set to do) and the POP account on her main computer
> >>> downloads messages from the server (as it has been set to do).
> >>> 
> >>> I currently have 15 email accounts set-up in my email client on my 
> >>> computer
> >>> and ALL are POP - so I would prefer to just keep everything the same.
> >>> However Mail on IOS on the iPhones just automatically sets the internode
> >>> accounts to IMAP and does not let me select POP.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> So I seem to have a hybrid IMAP/POP set-up - which just seems wrong!
> >>> However, it all seems to work OK!
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Any comments? Am I likely to run into any problems with this set-up?
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Cheers
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Neil
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