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In a message dated 12/5/01 2:56:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Conservatives is definatelly right, but not in absurdum. And liberal is 
the next step to the left. And I think that is as far as the American partys 
go. I mean the big partys. Not the local ones that has no say in the federal 
politics. Correct me if I'm wrong.  >>
OK -- starting from one side and working to the other ... in the USA you have:
 -- right-wing whacko conservatives
 -- Right-Wing Conservatives**
 -- conservatives
 -- right-wing moderates
 -- moderates
 -- left-wing moderates
 -- liberals
 -- Left-Wing Liberals**
 -- left-wing whacko liberals

The loud minority in the USA are left-wing liberals ... the silent, but very 
tired majority are divided between right-wing moderates and conservatives ... 
but unfortunately, the left-wing liberal press only gives coverage to the 
right-wing whacko conservatives, so most of the world has a very skewed idea 
of what this country is all about.

I used the ** to designate the 2 catagories the majority of politicians fall 
into. With the understanding that there are no other catagories, you can see 
that conservatives and liberals in the USA are on opposite poles from each 

The party that never runs a candidate for any election is probably the 
largest one in this country, and it definitely affects elections because 
there's no way to be sure which way any of them will vote ... and that's all 
the voters who declare themselves to be "Independant". 


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