My replies below, Dave. Thanks for getting this rolling.

At 23:40 20/11/2003, you wrote:
Apparently, there are still some DNS issues. I'm working on them.

In the meantime, I'd like to propose the following:

Membership is free

Can't argue with that!

Message board for general communication, cooperating on marketing, etc.

Good idea - hopefully so all can see the responses. I belong to one organisation where mass emails go out but only the sender gets the replies! Doesn't help to cut down on repeated requests for same info later!

Various mailing lists

Fine - so long as we're not making things too cumbersome. Remember KISS!

Comprehensive directory of all members and their skills

Very welcome - perhaps including level of skill? (Novice - Intermediate - Experienced - Guru)??

I'd like to have a "bid" section where developers can put projects up for bid, not like eLance where "users" put projects up for bid, this is for developers looking to subcontract all or parts of contracts out to other members.

Good idea - with a price guide offered for the work if there is one - i.e. where you've already quoted. Obviously some jobs might turn up with a straight request for quote!

I really don't want to get into anything like forcing people to agree to a set of ideals or standards. The purpose of this thing (at least to me) is to simply help each other out as best we can.

Just an input on this - in a management consultancy group to which I belong the "Finder" retains 25% of the fee and the "Grinder" or "Doer" gets 75%. Client remains the "property" of finder at all times unless he or she decides to relinquish to someone else. I think we need some sort of simple rules such as these so everyone knows more or less what to expect. Stops anyone that comes to the list later offering a job for (say) $1000 that they have quoted their client $6000 for! Sure, there's no check - just trust as with the others I work with - it just gives a guide for everyone. (Split can of course be different here - 60/40 80/20 or whatever). Also stops people posting jobs that will be of no interest to anyone and puts some constraint on ethical behaviour as in many cases we'll know who the client is when we do the work and there's always a temptation!

I think everyone that's involved in this so far seems sensible and honest but the same applied to the consultancy group. Then we became known and had an influx of people, some of whom turned out to be there just to vacuum up all the work they could and never provide any, while a couple actually poached clients. OK - we slung out the poachers, but only after they'd damaged a couple of members income streams and the "vacuum cleaners" were not given much unless no-one wanted it! . We all work hard to get clients and can't afford to have them snatched away by anyone else that can't be bothered to go out and find their own!

My two cents.

I'll also need to know who will be handling building the site. I can "help", but I really don't have the time at the moment to be principle, nor do I want to "run things"... This should be a group effort.

If there are any issues regarding hosting the site, I'm happy to offer free space within the space I rent (I've got plenty and costs are covered by existing clients already) so long as it doesn't get too huge! Most languages, facilities, etc. available.

Peter MacGregor


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