Don Kinney wrote:

If anyone knows of good PHP book, for beginners, please speak up. I get
asked this question all the time. The O'Reilly book might be OK but it's


The blokes at have a two-book set titled THE PHP ANTHOLOGY.
Volume 1 is Foundations. Volume 2 is Applications.  Kinda pricey but good
info.  The Visual Quickstart series has a couple of good ones on PHP but
they're suffering from being based on older data like the O'Reilly book.
That, and some of the forums on, w3schools, and a few other
places are moving me down the PHP road.

When the sitepoint books came out I looked at the sample chapters for what I think was Vol 1. It's very well written. I need to buy them and review them in detail. However, he goes into object oriented programming. Great if you plan to be programmer. I guess that's the problem though. People that aren't really 'programmer types' want to learn how to program with PHP. Programming is not easy. To get good at it takes time, lots of practice, and lots of patience.


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