On Mar 23, 1:15 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> The main "feature" of web2py is that appliances are data and are
> treated as such. Consider a CMS app that wants to install, for
> example, a plugin. A plugin contains code and needs to be installable
> at runtime. The plugin may also modify other application files (such
> as replace a layout or a model).

I'm afraid this approach is incompatible with production packaging. In
Debian, plugins are installed via the same packaging mechanism as the
applications. Take a look at trac, for example - there are several
debian packages containing trac-related plugins.

> I would not oppose to an external mechanism to locks/unlock *.py and
> *.html files  for a certain app so that they cannot be modified by the
> www-data user while in production

I'm glad we agree on that.

> but one cannot break the internal
> directory structure of the apps without crippling it.

All right, we could try using the same symlink approach Mark mentioned
earlier. How about this: a package containing the "examples"
application is installed in /usr/share/web2py/applications/examples.
Underneath there are several real directories (views, controllers,
etc) populated with read-only files, but there are also a few symlinks
like this:

sessions -> /var/run/web2py/applications/examples/sessions
databases -> /var/run/web2py/applications/examples/databases

Do you think this breaks the internal structure of web2py?


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