Hi Ken,

On 30/03/2012, at 7:39 PM, ISHIMOTO Ken wrote:

> There are two kind of new Contributor
> 1. Real wonder or plain WebObjects User, the make some changes and it's done.
> No way that is no big problem and I hope a lot of People will contribute in 
> the Future.
> And of course make a Fork, make chances, push done... HAPPY
> But I am not one of this group. That's my Problem.

Your situation is certainly not the usual case, and certainly not where my 
comments were directed. I'm talking to the comments being made by various 
people that find the Wonder code base daunting to get into. It certainly is 
large and has a long history, but that shouldn't be a deterant to making small 
changes to it that are generally useful (whether bug fix or feature).

However, your diagram shows visually my point exactly. 3rd party libraries that 
are useful provides diversity.

> 3 years ago we decide to start use wonder, It was a hard transition, but we 
> moved class by class to our framework. Most important classes
> are already full javadoc translated. Of course we don't like warning too. We 
> fix warning,

It would have been more ideal for you to provide changes back to Wonder itself 
wouldn't it? Then you'd be just creating your own javadocs in addition and not 
duplicating code merely for the sake of formatting.

> and reformat most source for better readability.

That is a problem. (I'll explain)

> The formatting isn't a big deal, I can provide a sample what we did if you 
> like.

It's a big deal for collaboration. Formatting changes are annoying when mixed 
with the actual code changes in the diff.

Usually with open-source projects you'd want to stick to the code formatting 
already established unless there is a general consensus that a different format 
be adopted - particularly if you're wanting to collaborate.

So yes - I'd suggest that if you want to ease your own pain (which means not 
rewriting other people's code, but instead focus on enhancements and bugfixes), 
that you look to talking this through with the project owners and list.

> On top of Wonder there are sitting a lot of our Classes that we use, like 
> Double Byte Conversation a new Hyperlink class and a lot more.
> On top of all are about 10 Frameworks. 

(which demonstrates my point)

> My workflow :
> I am getting change, fixes and requests to create frameworks from the 
> Companies. The Frameworks grows every day. But the are all under heavy usage.
> Once a week, I look into the new wonder Source changes, and every line will 
> transfer to our Framework version. Line by Line.

I wonder why you're not just using Wonder itself? Why transfer code?

> That's also a reason why I know most changes and can support a lot of our 
> companies. But it is also a reason to make my life hard, because I have to
> work a lot. 100 hours/week mostly. That's also why I am not always on the 
> List, because I have no time, and I have mostly no Question because we try to 
> figure
> everything out and that's good for learning new stuff. Off course we are not 
> perfect.

I would suggest that your current strategy is not sustainable - and won't lead 
to a happy family situation.

> Now I was talking to Pascal how we can maybe work more together. And I am 
> thinking about it. But it is not done make a fork click click done.
> It is more work, I am willing to help but it was only an idea. To move our 
> Frameworks, we have to move the Wonder core changes at first and that one 
> class after the next class.

If you can identify in your own code base the changes that were merely 
formatting changes, perhaps eliminate them, that'll make it easier.

> Git will do nothing for us, because our Code is mostly nice formatted, and 
> Git will show 100% changes^^
> That is not a show-stopper because I do it every day. But it was only an 
> idea. We did our Job now for about 10 years (Me 5 years) for WO on our own,
> and we have no Problem to go without getting together. Because new blood and 
> new ideas make a Community powerful that's why I try to get together.
> But for our other Members here the don't really care because the don't speak 
> english anyway.
> Only to understand my Problem that it is not so easy as make a change to the 

Again, my comments weren't directed towards people in your situation (who 
actually read and understand the code), but those saying they were daunted by 
the code base in the first place as a reason for them not contributing.

Lachlan Deck

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