Regarding the old GitHub issue list, I took a look at it a while back. The 
thing that struck me was how old most of the issues are so testing them all 
might be something of a waste of time.

Many of them are or might be:

* A bit vague in description
* Obsolete (as in already fixed)
* No longer relevant to a current Eclipse version
* No longer relevant to anyone actually using WO/Wonder
* Related to internal maintenance of the WOLips project/sources and don't 
really communicate anything useful for us as "product owners". Trying to keep 
to some sort of a "user story" format for issues would be helpful if the issue 
should be taken forward for development.

Many of the issue reporters are still with us. I suggest announcing a short 
grace period where people can look at their own issues (and other issues, of 
course) and add the "keep" label to issues they want to keep. When that grace 
period expires, all unlabeled issues are closed. Worst case scenario: We have 
to re-open a closed issue. Most users probably get an e-mail notification when 
their issues are closed anyway so they can complain at that time :).

Regarding funding, I would be very willing to operate on some sort of a "per 
feature/issue" basis. I.e. I'd dedicate a fixed amount of money to the 
resolution of an issue. Perhaps that also solves the problem of prioritization? 
I'm guessing the issues most valuable to the community will end up being the 
ones with most funding attached to them.


Regarding specific issues, there's one issue I'm *really* interested in: I've 
attempted to do WOLips development on some occasions but always gave up since I 
didn't get everything to work (the docs are kind of convoluted/outdated).

Perhaps I'm just stupid, but if not; I believe we would benefit greatly from 
having a functional, up-to-date step-by-step guide for how to do development on 
WOLips. Teach a man to fish and all that :).

- hugi

> On 1 Jul 2020, at 20:06, Maik Musall via Webobjects-dev 
> <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> since this came up again yesterday, here’s the current state of it. Developer 
> is ready to do some work, but we haven’t yet defined what that should be. We 
> haven’t even reached an agreement about how to get to that state. The list of 
> people and organizations willing to contribute has 10 entries already, so I 
> think we’re good on the funding side. I invited several people on Slack.
> Next we need to agree on how to prioritize things that need fixing and 
> implementing. Two links as a starting point are below (github issues, wiki 
> page). Some people suggested something in the Entity Modeler should be first 
> up, while others don’t even use EOF any more and obviously don’t agree. (My 
> personal pet bugfix would be to fix the race condition that leads to bogus 
> binding errors when loading large components.)
> So, how do we go forward with this?
> Maik
>> Am 27.05.2020 um 17:08 schrieb Maik Musall via Webobjects-dev 
>> <>:
>> Hi everyone,
>> we have an offer from an Eclipse plugin developer to work on bugfixes and 
>> new features for WOLips. It’ll cost some money, but not too much, and we 
>> already had three entities in Slack [1] signaling willingness to provide 
>> funding. So, it seems realistic that we can have some progress here.
>> Next step for us would obviously be to identify and prioritize the things we 
>> want work to be done on, then decide where to make the cut, get the funding 
>> ready for those things, and then have them done. For a start, we already 
>> have two places for the first step:
>> 1. The issues list on github:
>> 2. A wiki page created for this: 
>> In the related Slack discussion [2] there were different opions about 
>> whether to just bulk-close all old issues and start new, or review them for 
>> usefulness and up-to-dateness and keep the ones which are still relevant and 
>> update those. At this point, given the limited number of people in Slack, I 
>> wanted to move this discussion here.
>> Opinions?
>> Maik
>> [1]
>> [2]
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