internet our here in the bush is flakey and goes down often.
i have UPS on internet connection so have not looked out for gw1000 rebooting 
every 20 mins while running on battery. i will look out for it next time. 
*very* unsatisfactory if lack of external internet interrupts my local data 

i would appreciate a recipe on how to bypass it (masquerading IPs to local 
server and spoofing http request, and ntp request?) in the gw1000 wiki, and 
appreciate even more it being an installation option on the driver/service

yes, i will lodge a complaint with ecowitt too. i can’t see the manufacturer 
changing it, but they need to be aware of the line crossed. (has anyone checked 
to see if it conflicts with ecowitt's declared privacy policy?)

> On 17 Feb 2021, at 9:27 am, vince <> wrote:
> Multiple people including me asked for a simple on/off switch for the 
> watchdogs so we could run LAN-only and they said no.
> At least it can be faked on the LAN if you have enough network-fu, but we 
> shouldn't have to do stuff like that.

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