hello all, a couple of thought about adding new campaigns to mainline

I wanted to do a guideline post on the forum like I did for units, but
I realized that there are a couple of points that I would like to

I feel it better to have it discussed here to have a coherent position
between devs before doing a post on the forum.

so here we go. this is only about the policy, I will rewrite it in
cleaner english before posting it to the forum.

I assume we have a dedicated "campaign maintainance dev" (or team, but
I'll use the singular within this post)

I also assume that campaigns will be included in two stage
1) included in svn
2) included in releases

these guidelines are for inclusion in svn, the inclusion in the
release would be upt to the campaign dev

* the campaign must be in wescamp prior to inclusion

I don't think it's fair to have any higher requirement for inclusion
since there isn't much the author can do about that... A requirement
for proper english could be added, but I am not sure how...

* All custom units should follow the guidelines for the inclusion of
new units into mainline, except for the balance part

since these units will be campaign only units, it doesn't make sense
to balance them. They could be moved later to generic units if they
are good enough, but that shouldn't block the campaign

* the campaign should be complete. It doesn't have to be polished in
all aspects, but it shouldn't have any gaps. This means the story
should have an end, and anything that needs to be done after that can
be qualified as "improvement"

* the campaign should be reasonably balanced within each difficulty
level, and if the level has the same name as a difficulty level in
mainline, it should be about the same difficulty

* the story should be interesting and reasonably consistant with the
rest of the wesnoth universe....

* once your campaign is in SVN the campaign dev will be in charge of
it. Most of the time, you will just have to mail him the new version,
but he will have all power to change what he feels like changing

Rational: let's face it, campaign maintainance is quite poor in
wesnoth currently, because when a campaign is good enough for
mainline, it's basically finished and much less interesting to
balance. Moreover if we want to be able to drop campaigns easily it is
probably better not to have the maintainer as a full developper

I think it makes perfect sense to have campaigns maintained like the
MP maps, the translations or art : a few commit dev and lots of
non-svn devs rather than like coders "everybody has svn access" type.
This is a philosophical change and one I would like most feedback
about, but it makes sense if we want to lower the barrier of entry for
new campaigns

* the campaign must be on the campaign server for some time, a
feedback thread on the forum is a plus

<to be filled bu art devs>

< to be filled by arts dev>


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