David Philippi schrieb:
> I don't see a reason to put it onto yet another server. If you want to import 
> stuff you can use WesCamp for import. Providing authors with a different SVN 
> for developing is another question. I guess using WesCamp for that isn't 
> optimal as I get quite a lot of commit "SPAM" that way and have to dig 
> through it to see where I've got to regenerate translations. By then I'll 
> probably see to doing it automatically usually but it still needs a human to 
> supervise, spot errors and explain authors what they did wrong / missed.
I don't think this would be a problem. We could make the campaignserver
to use some special fomat commit message and you could filter your mails
for that very message (and maybe move all others either to trash or to
somewhere else).
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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