> > * the story should be interesting and reasonably consistant with the
> > rest of the wesnoth universe....
> I'd say at least not contradict the current universe

one remark : the wesnoth univers is mainly defined by the mainline
campaigns, so having more campaigns in mainline is also opening doors
for the universe to change...

not contradict the univers is a minima, I think having a consistancy
requirement (even if we don't enforce it) will help the campaign dev
keep the univers coherent (since he will have the high power on
campaigns, he will also impicitely have some saying on the wesnoth

> > * once your campaign is in SVN the campaign dev will be in charge of
> > it. Most of the time, you will just have to mail him the new version,
> > but he will have all power to change what he feels like changing
> I'd rather see the orginal author maintain it if it gets abandoned
> before a release we can decide to ditch it or keep it.
> I think most authors don't feel confortable that somebody else is
> supervising their creation and have the power to modify it as they see
> fit. To be honest if I were a campaign author I'd rather not have my
> campaign in mainline if somebody else has the final say about how _my_
> campaign should look like.

hmm I think I agree with what you say and I haven't correctly phrased
what I meant, my rational paragraph below express it more clearly, but
I'll expand a little more below

> > Rational: let's face it, campaign maintainance is quite poor in
> > wesnoth currently, because when a campaign is good enough for
> > mainline, it's basically finished and much less interesting to
> > balance. Moreover if we want to be able to drop campaigns easily it is
> > probably better not to have the maintainer as a full developper
> If abandoned in mainline the maintaince dev is free to maintain as (s)he
> sees fit.

yes, what I meant by that is that the process for changing a mainline
campaign is
1) submit new version to campaign dev
2) the campaign dev has the power to tweak the campaign (mainly for
WML maintainance, but I want that power to be clearly in the dev's
hand, even if he never has to use it)
3) new version is in svn
rince and repeat

what I want to avoid is to have to give SVN access to all campaign
authors, I'd rather have it work like our art devs, with someone doing
jetryl's job for campaign (choosing what gets in, tweaking what is
submited, giving WML/story/balance advice etc...)

> > I think it makes perfect sense to have campaigns maintained like the
> > MP maps, the translations or art : a few commit dev and lots of
> > non-svn devs rather than like coders "everybody has svn access" type.
> > This is a philosophical change and one I would like most feedback
> > about, but it makes sense if we want to lower the barrier of entry for
> > new campaigns
> There was a discussion before about a seperate campaign svn, that might
> be the best. Then a maintainer dev can put the stuff in mainline.
> (As long as the orginal maintainer maintains it it's just copying the
> data nothing more.) Maybe start a new gna project for this?
interesting idea... it raise the technicall barrier for campaign
author (installling svn is not trivial in all OS, nor is creating a
gna! key and registering it)

Overall I hadn't thought of that proposal, so I'll remember it for
later but won't comment it right away

> > * the campaign must be on the campaign server for some time, a
> > feedback thread on the forum is a plus
> I'd say a feedback thread is required, I think every serious campaign
> already has one. No need to have threads about every scenario but just a
> general feedback thread.
Agreed. I wasn't sure about it when I wrote my original mail, but it makes sense

> I also think we should make it very clear that it's easy to get in but
> just as easy to get out again. (Just to avoid people feeling bad when
> their stuff does get removed.)
yes, which was my first reason not to give svn access to campaign authors...

> Regards,
> Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew
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