On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 01:21:23AM +0200, jeremy rosen wrote:
> yes, what I meant by that is that the process for changing a mainline
> campaign is
> 1) submit new version to campaign dev
> 2) the campaign dev has the power to tweak the campaign (mainly for
> WML maintainance, but I want that power to be clearly in the dev's
> hand, even if he never has to use it)
> 3) new version is in svn
> rince and repeat

I can live with the fact that the maintaince dev is free to do
maintainance WML changes, but not allowed to make radical changes as long
as the campaign is being maintained. Once it's no longer maintained the
maintainance dev is free to do as (s)he sees fit.

(maybe give the theoretical power but be very strict about using that

> what I want to avoid is to have to give SVN access to all campaign
> authors, I'd rather have it work like our art devs, with someone doing
> jetryl's job for campaign (choosing what gets in, tweaking what is
> submited, giving WML/story/balance advice etc...)

Hence the proposal to have a separate SVN for these campaigns. Like
discussed on IRC today, it might be possible to fill this SVN via the
campaign server.

I'm about to change the campaign server, one of the goals it to make
translations easier, what would mean as soon as a campaign is uploaded
it gets pushed in the Wescamp server. Once that is working it would be
trivial to also push it to another SVN. (Unless Torangan thinks using
the Wescamp server for this purpose is a good idea.)

That way the maintainance dev can copy the maintained stuff from the
external SVN to our SVN. 

> > I also think we should make it very clear that it's easy to get in but
> > just as easy to get out again. (Just to avoid people feeling bad when
> > their stuff does get removed.)
> >
> yes, which was my first reason not to give svn access to campaign authors...

I agree on that.


Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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