I vote for making the toolserver the head-node to a much larger
beowulf cluster that has a well configured job scheduler. The data
that needs to be crunched is already right there - it makes sense to
put a research cluster there as well.

There will always be a limited supply of resources. Perhaps there
should be a public approval system for the resources, where the
community gets to pick which jobs should get added to the queue based
on public analysis of the code and a description of the computation.

There will be no shortage of participants ;)

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 2:37 AM, River Tarnell
<ri...@loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Rohde:
>> In particular, I think it is useful to separate "tools" from "analysis".
> why?
>> "Tools" need high availability and low lag relative to the live site, but
>> "analysis" doesn't care if it gets out of date and should use scheduling etc.
>> to balance large loads.
> what is preventing people from using the current toolserver for this analysis?
> what do we need to change about the platform that will enable people to run it
> on the current toolserver?
>        - river.
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