On Thu, 4 Oct 2018 at 23:29, John Erling Blad <jeb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Usually it comes from user errors while using VE. This kind of errors are
> quite common, and I asked (several years ago) whether it could be fixed in
> VE, but was told "no".

I'd really appreciate it if you could give me more information on this.
Could you link to the task for this request? There is T128060
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T128060> from early 2016 ("VisualEditor
makes it easy to create partially linked words, when the user expects a
fully linked one") but I don't see you on there, and I want to make sure I
understand your request.

Here's how the linking feature works right now for adding links to words
which presently have no links:

   - If you put your cursor inside a word without highlighting anything,
   and add a link, the link is added to the entire word.
   - If you highlight some text, and add a link, the link is added to the
   highlighted text.

How would you propose this feature be changed?


Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation
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