> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 20:56:15 +0100
> From: n...@panorama9.com
> > I would start by digitally signing your burn bundle.
> The bundle is already signed with a Thawte code signing certificate
The reported file name looks more like it's the extracted engine than your 
bundle itself. Have you signed the engine.
> Either should Trend Micro change there detection mechanism regarding the
> RunOnce key or
> the bundling framework of burn should change its default behavior .
>From the Trend docs I saw it seemed to suggest that 'Malware Behaviour 
>Monitoring' could be turned off (indeed, terminating programs like this was 
>not the default) and also that signed executables were exempt. So it maybe is 
>a bug in Trend that means it doesn't work as documented?
The other thing is that other installers (InstallShield) don't seem to do this 
so does anyone understand how InstallShield handles the reboot issue?
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