On 6/9/07 (16:41) Jens said:

>I do admit the first time I read your initial post I cringed and
>screamed AAARGGGHLXX!  ;-)

Yeah, fair enough, and I knew that many would share your reaction. But
the question in the original post was one that I really had divided
opinions about and wanted to hear other people's thoughts. the ensuing
melee has perhaps not convinced me entirely either way, but has nudged
me in one direction over another, so it's been valid (for me at least),
and thank you to all who participated.

>Irrespective of your assumption about who would be more capable of
>resizing text I think you somehow missed my point.

No, I understood you. I just wanted to try throwing it back with a bit
of personal spin and see what you made of it. 
When you say:
>People who require larger text can not instantly access information on
>a page with small text size
I don't particularly disagree with you. I would, however, be /very/
interested to find out how many of the people who require 'larger' text
(eg. people who find the cited 'small-text' sites -- yahoo, NY Times,
etc -- hard to read) already have their browsers set up to make the
necessary corrections, either by setting a large minimum font size, or
by clicking the 'Ignore font sizes set by page' box (that's just an IE
thing I think). I think that information would be enlightening.

The issue of whether an unchanged default setting, except when left as
it is by deliberate choice, should be considered a 'user preference' in
the context of "most people have their preferred size set to 16px" has
not really been decided for me, but maybe it's like trying to prove a
negative. Certainly plenty of others on this list are satisfied that it
should be considered so in the absence of evidence to the contrary, and
maybe I'll have to leave it at that.

Or start saving up to commission a massive study.

Rick Lecoat

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