Could it be the OP is using the 64 bit version and Windows 10? Bill has
a message here on about certain audio settings for that combination.

Neil, KN3ILZ

On 12/2/2019 7:50 AM, Martin Davies G0HDB wrote:
On 2 Dec 2019 at 12:27, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Audio dropout like this is usually caused by the USB audio device 
disconnecting.And that is
usually case by RFI.

The original posting stated that on occasions there doesn't appear to be any Tx 
audio going
into the IC-7300 rig - the poster didn't explicitly state whether he's using 
the rig's inbuilt audio
codec, with data from the WSJT-X software going via USB, or the rig's analogue 
audio input,
although the former can be inferred.

In the event of there being no Tx audio going into the rig there wouldn't be 
any RF output
from the rig, so how in such a scenario could the cause of the observed 
problems be RFI on
the USB connection between PC and the rig?  There's no RF to cause the I...!!

Martin, G0HDB

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