On 2 Dec 2019 at 10:34, Frederic Beaulieu wrote:
> You can see in the link below the noise at TX start:
> https://youtu.be/peVSAZQ08yU<https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FpeVSAZQ08yU&data=02%7C01%7CFrederic.Beaulieu%40trilliant.com%7C2ae827da836a4ccdcdae08d77718bd46%7C4f6fbd130dfb415085c3d43260c04309%7C0%7C0%7C637108820461481425&sdata=TtCmElZ6kEFjmog2RWB%2F6jm%2FQdKOiLLcJmHPd0mEbkY%3D&reserved=0>
> which cause power overshooting at the beginning of the timeslot.
> 73,

Hello Fred (and all), I suspect that the 'overshoot' or 'splat' of noise you're 
seeing at the start 
of your transmissions might be an Icom-specific artefact - under certain 
conditions I observe 
the same effect with my IC-7610, which is fed with analogue Tx audio from an 
external codec 
via the ACC1 rear-panel socket.

When I use the WSJT-X 'Tune' button to key the Tx and send an audio tone from 
the PC to 
the rig, via the external codec and the ACC1 socket, I observe the 
short-duration burst of 
signal, be it noise or whatever, on the rig's spectrum scope and waterfall.  
This happens 
when the rig is connected to a dummy load and generating only a Watt or two of 
RF output 
so it's extremely unlikely that the cause of the unwanted burst of signal is RF 
getting back into the audio chain.

The burst of signal appears to extend to approx 1kHz either side of the centre 
frequency on 
the rig's spectrum scope and waterfall; when I listen to the monitored Tx audio 
out of the rig I 
don't hear a clearly-identifiable burst of any sort of noise etc, but the onset 
of the 'Tune' audio 
tone does sound very 'hard' and abrupt.

I observe, and hear, a similar effect when I stop the 'Tune' operation and the 
rig returns to the 
Rx state - the cessation of the audio at the end of a 'Tune' transmission again 
sounds very 
'hard' and abrupt.

Interestingly, I only very occasionally observe the 2kHz-wide burst of noise or 
whatever on 
the rig's spectrum scope and waterfall when WSJT-X is Tx'ing normally; perhaps 
the fact that 
I've got my IC-7610's Tx delay set to 15msecs (on both HF and 6m) and the 
delay set to 100msecs is having a bearing.

A question for Bill and the developers - is there any form of shaping of the 
leading and trailing 
edges of the audio waveform generated by WSJT-X when the 'Tune' button is 
operated?  If 
there isn't then I wonder if the unwanted, albeit short-duration burst of 
signal, which doesn't 
appear to have any adverse effect overall, is akin to a CW key-click caused by 
too steep a 
rising and trailing edge on the audio waveform.

Martin, G0HDB

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