No, it doesn’t Bill that is also independent of mode. In USB-D, no TX or RX EQ, 
no processor. If you have big QRO relays, it is far better to use a sequencer 
and put the drive source over last in the sequence. I have done this for 30 
years without losing LNAs and so would like to continue. Besides my station 
controller works this way. This makes sure that all active bands are 
controlled, including the radios.


Conrad PA5Y

From: Bill Somerville via wsjt-devel <>
Sent: 20 July 2021 00:09
Cc: Bill Somerville <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] very infuriating problem with Hamlib for TS-890S

Hi Conrad,

it is a complex rig!

I suspect that using SS for PTT is not a good idea, that probably leaves the 
speech audio processing etc. in circuit. PKS probably doesn't.


On 19/07/2021 23:02, Conrad PA5Y via wsjt-devel wrote:
It is possible,  I completely misunderstood that table and feel very stupid!

I thought that the top row selected the PTT method and that the bottom row the 
audio source, it does not mean that at all 😊 If you use SS as SEND/PTT then set 
the top row (not the bottom) row to USB Audio, it’s that simple.

I’ll go away now…….


Conrad PA5Y

From: Bill Somerville via wsjt-devel 
Sent: 19 July 2021 23:42
Cc: Bill Somerville <><>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] very infuriating problem with Hamlib for TS-890S

On 19/07/2021 22:12, Bill Somerville via wsjt-devel wrote:
On 19/07/2021 19:19, Conrad PA5Y via wsjt-devel wrote:
Probably best if I add a few snips. The first configuration works perfectly. 
However, in this mode using USB you must select Rear/Data as the TX audio 
source. I wish to use the REMOTE SOCKET PTT as the radio goes over last from a 
sequencer as is often the case for VHF ops. I have always run this way. BUT the 
Transmit audio source is disabled when you use RTS. The PTT works but I can no 
longer access the USB input, this is a BIG problem for me. Why can I not select 
the transmit audio source?

I think that this is a HAMLIB bug. How long does it take to fix these things 
generally as I assume that this is a Hamlib problem?


Conrad PA5Y


it seems you have not understood the purpose of the transmit audio source 
option in WSJT-X. It is available for rigs like the TS-890s which have a CAT 
PTT command  (TX) that has two variants to select the Tx audio source. If you 
are not using CAT PTT then WSJT-X via Hamlib cannot use the TX CAT command, 
because you have explicitly told it not to.

Regardless of the above, the pin you to key the rig also has the same function, 
if you use the PTT pin then the audio source is the mic socket, if you use the 
PKS pin on the ACC socket then the Tx audio source is the PKD pin on the same 

So in summary, it is down to you to wire the PTT to the correct pin on the rig, 
neither WSJT-X nor Hamlib can do that for you!



also see chapter 8 of your rig's user manual, the section titled "Configuration 
of the Input Path of TX Audio". It looks to me that the audio source is fully 
configurable for both non-DATA modes and DATA modes. I don't see why you are 
having any issues.


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