On 7/23/2024 3:54 PM, Andy Durbin K3WYC wrote:
I have quite often worked FT8 DXpeditions by observing them on my HDSDR panadapter and clicking on the appropriate frequency.  The rig changes to the intended frequency, WSJT-X main window display changes to the new rig frequency, and I make the QSO.

This procedure should report the correct frequency. That's not the procedure you reported to be "erroneous". You said:

Select 14.074 from frequency pull down - ALL.TXT RX freq 14.074
Tune rig to 14.075 with front panel controls - ALL.TXT RX freq 14.074


I also, quite frequently, use the frequency entry keypad on my TS-590S to change frequency after seeing an FT8 DX spot.  Again, all appears to be normal but it seems the PSKReport and ALL.TXT may be erroneous.

I shall probably turn off PSK reporting as I don't want to send out misleading reports.

Your choice, but entirely unnecessary. If you want WSJT-X to be fully aware of your rig's frequency setting, control the rig's frequency through WSJT-X.

Or, if you choose, contribute suggested and well tested patches to hamlib and/or WSJT-X code -- or work with someone who can do this with you, so as to make the system behave as you wish. This is, after all, a cooperative project. And we necessarily have our working list of priorities that may be different from yours.

        -- Joe, K1JT

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