What rig do you have that WSJT-X does not follow rig freq changes?
Mike W9MDB


    On Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 09:12:30 AM CDT, Andy Durbin via wsjt-devel 
<wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:  
 I made a few minor corrections to draft 1 and draft 2 is available at  
For those that don't wish to follow links I have reproduced the conclusions and 
the proposal below.  I don't have the skill or knowledge to code this but I am 
willing to test if anyone else decides it is worth coding.  I am also willing 
to update the user guide if the proposal is adopted.
Initial conclusions: RX frequency recoded in ALL.TXT  may be misleading unless 
the rig dial frequency is set by WSJT-X. RX frequency reported by PSK Reporter 
may be misleading unless the rig dial frequency is set by WSJT-X. Logged QSO 
frequency appears to be correct regardless of the method used to set rig 
frequency. Even if the rig frequency is set by  WSJT-X the frequency display 
will be amber on red if there is no matching frequency in the loaded table. 
Proposal: It is likely that many HF operators will like to tune to a DXpedition 
using any of the rig tuning methods a) through e) described above [see draft 
for details].  Sometimes the DXpedition will not be on a published frequency 
and there will have been no opportunity to edit the frequency table before 
attempting a QSO. To remove the possibility of misleading ALL.TXT and PSK 
Reporter frequencies the operator should have the option to designate the 
current dial frequency as the reporting frequency. New option 
Settings/General/Behavior  - Use dial frequency for reporting When this option 
is selected:    
   - RX frequency recorded in ALL.TXT shall be displayed dial frequency
   - Frequencies reported to PSK Reporter shall be derived from displayed dial 
   - The dial frequency display shall be amber on black with no consideration 
given to matching the loaded frequency table.

73,Andy, k3wyc
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