Am 07.05.20 um 11:21 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
>> Maybe you could grab the NX output while still on the host (like,
>> running a fake X2GoClient directly on the server), then push the output
>> towards the HTML5 client the same way Alex' KDrive-HTML5 solution does?
>> That could work as some kind of compatibility layer.  That way, the DE
>> would recognize a remote session (even though it's actually connected
>> through or ::1), so we don't have to deal with the quirks/wait
>> for the fixes, yet you'd still only need one backend to talk to the
>> HTML5 client, not two.
> Hmmm, this would also be a nested solution. I'll check which one is faster.

The thing is:
1) It would satisfy the sponsor's requirement for NX support
2) It uses the same Server-Client protocol as Alex' solution
3) It is available now, without having to wait for the DEs to adapt

The NX->novnc approach may cover conditon 1), but not condition 2), so,
extra effort is needed to make it work.
Using KDrive only breaks condition 1) and 3).

Fantasizing a bit here:

When using "NX compatibility mode" in KDrive-HTML5, it would merely have
to start a session that only consists of X2GoClient in hidden mode (or
pyhoca-cli) with a session to localhost, passing through the credentials
provided via the HTML5 client.  Maybe add OpenBox or some other
minimalistic window manager, but no full DE.  So no annoying popups from
a DE that believes it's handling a local session.

This is not about speed.  This may not even be a long-term solution -
once KDrive works with all major distros/DEs, it may even be something
we can drop again.  But for now, it would cover all three conditions
listed above, in a timeframe that doesn't sound like it would have to be
that far in the future as full major distro/DE support.


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