Hello guys,

Looks like my E-Mail brought some excitement into the list :) First of
all it was not my intention, I just wanted to share with you some of my
thoughts. Second, I don't think that we will have something ready before
the end of the year (depending on the resources I'll have). For sure, if
some one wants to work into the same direction, you are welcome. I also
want to add some of my thoughts about NX and X2Go.
NX is obsolete. It was obsolete many years ago. Xorg is becoming
obsolete as well. And X2Go is already obsolete too, because we are
sticking to this technologies way too long. Don't understand me wrong,
those are great technologies, which will be used for many years more by
some people and companies, we should not drop their support and we
should not stop to improve them. But we also should not things like NX
slow down our development. Because majority of the users don't want NX.
They want to use modern desktops and modern applications. And they don't
care, that NX works better with legacy desktops and legacy X11 apps on
256K network, because they are not using them anyway and they have at
home in worse case 10M network and even on their cell phones they have a
good Internet connection.

@Stefan: I think it's great, that you finding sponsoring and it helps to
support the project. But we also should not forget, to separate the
wishes of our sponsors and our customers from that what is good for the
project. We can't concentrate only on that what our sponsors want,
because in this case at some point they'll be our only users. We should
also think more about future and what should we do to win new users to
the project.

At the end I want to give you some points I think I will work on in the
next one or two years:

1. Improvement of x2go kdrive: adaptive compression level, video
compression for some regions, frame dropping, etc
2. x2gokdrive client - HTML5, Using OpenGL for image composition
3. Finally rewrite x2go client, multi session support, x2go kdrive
client should be part of x2go client, etc.


Am 07.05.20 um 04:15 schrieb Stefan Baur:
> Am 07.05.20 um 10:48 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
>>> Again, that sounds nice as an add-on, but basic NX support in an HTML5
>>> client should take priority.  After all, that's what our sponsors asked
>>> for - and not a broker-/multi-server DMZ solution.
>>> It's fine to design the solution with a possible broker-add-on in mind,
>>> but please don't focus on the broker more than on the NX support.
>> Why stick to the NX support, if we have a native graphical backend
>> that's html5 compliant.
> Again: Because classic X2Go HTML5 support is what the sponsor wants to
> see.  KDrive, Broker, Sound, Printer- and Filesharing - nice bells and
> whistles, but not what the sponsor wants.
> NX is stable, NX is what they're used to, so they ask for it to be used.
> We're way past the stage where we could negotiate "Can't we just use
> KDrive instead of NX?".
> I would also like to remind you that I don't consider KDrive
> production-ready for general use yet.  It may work for Alex' customers,
> but last time I tried, I still saw quite a few quirks due to the session
> not recognizing that it is a remote session (showing popups that only
> make sense for a local user, granting permissions that a remote user
> should not have, etc.).
> Those are blockers for a stable release and from my understanding, they
> need to be fixed in the Desktop Environments, not on the X2Go/KDrive
> side.  And such changes are unlikely to get introduced/back-ported to
> already-existing long term releases of Linux distributions - which most
> sponsors/commercial users of X2Go are using.
> So I doubt we'll see KDrive support becoming generally available until
> the next major releases of the most popular long-term distros.
> And that's not how long a sponsor should have to wait for a sponsored
> feature.  Plus it might have a negative impact on their willingness to
> fund further work.
> In a Pre-Corona world, I would have said I'd like to see results before
> or at the next Gathering.  But if we get hit with another infection
> wave, who knows when the next Gathering will be, so that's not really an
> "anchor" for a time frame I would like to use right now. ;-)
>> The NX -> x11vnc -> NoVNC solution will always be worse (slower, more
>> itchy and glitchy).
> Maybe you could grab the NX output while still on the host (like,
> running a fake X2GoClient directly on the server), then push the output
> towards the HTML5 client the same way Alex' KDrive-HTML5 solution does?
> That could work as some kind of compatibility layer.  That way, the DE
> would recognize a remote session (even though it's actually connected
> through or ::1), so we don't have to deal with the quirks/wait
> for the fixes, yet you'd still only need one backend to talk to the
> HTML5 client, not two.
> -Stefan

Oleksandr Shneyder        | Email: o.shney...@phoca-gmbh.de
phoca GmbH                | Tel. : 0911 - 14870374 0
Schleiermacherstr. 2      | Fax. : 0911 - 14870374 9
D-90491 Nürnberg          | Mobil: 0163 - 49 64 461

Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Inf. Oleksandr Shneyder

Amtsgericht München       | http://www.phoca-gmbh.de
HRB 196 658               | http://www.x2go.org
USt-IdNr.: DE281977973

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