Make sure you do your make step with 'make modules'.  I used this
tutorial [1] when i was building xenomai 2.6 a long time ago, it
should help you as well.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 11:47 AM, Ashok kumar <> wrote:
> In menuconfig I have used
> the following
> * General setup
>   --> Local version - append to kernel release: -xenomai-2.6.5
>   --> Timers subsystem
>       --> High Resolution Timer Support (Enable)
> * Real-time sub-system
>   --> Xenomai (Enable)
>   --> Nucleus (Enable)
>       --> Pervasive real-time support in user-space (Enable)
> * Power management and ACPI options
>   --> Run-time PM core functionality (Disable)
>   --> ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support
>       --> Processor (Disable)
>   --> CPU Frequency scaling
>       --> CPU Frequency scaling (Disable)
>   --> CPU idle
>       --> CPU idle PM support (Disable)
> * Pocessor type and features
>   --> Processor family
>       --> Core 2/newer Xeon (if \"cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep family\"
> returns 6, set as Generic otherwise)
> * Power management and ACPI options
>   --> Memory power savings
>       --> Intel chipset idle memory power saving driver (Disable)
> and in nucleus I have seleted RTDM drivers, in interfaces,drivers etc
> and I am using x86_64 processor configuration.
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 9:12 PM, Greg Gallagher <> wrote:
>> Under the Xenomai section of menuconfig, do you have them selected as
>> modules you can load or built into the kernel?  Also you are using a
>> pretty old version on Xenomai, have you considered using Xenomai-3
>> instead?  I haven't used Xenomai 2.6 in a while so my support may be
>> rusty.
>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 11:29 AM, Ashok kumar <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am getting xeno_rtdm.o,xeno_hal.o,xeno_nucleus.o. file but I am not
>>> getting xeno_rtdm.ko, xeno_hal.ko, xeno_nucleus.ko
>>> I should get .ko file to load it in kernel module .
>>> Thank you
>>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 8:47 PM, Greg Gallagher <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Are you building the RTDM modules? Do you see them getting built in
>>>> the kernel output.
>>>> Please refrain from continuously posting the same question, we will
>>>> try to help you but it may take some time to respond.
>>>> -Greg
>>>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 5:44 AM, Ashok kumar <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have turned modules ON, I have attached the enable modules section
>>>>> in the kernel configuration
>>>>> thank you
>>>>> R.Ashokkumar
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 7:30 PM, Greg Gallagher <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Did you turn them on in menuconfig when you built your kernel?
>>>>>> -Greg
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 1:40 AM, Ashok kumar <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have patched xenomai -2.6.4 with linux 3.18.20 .
>>>>>>> and installed the patched kernel, and  compiled the xenomai library 
>>>>>>> using below
>>>>>>> commands
>>>>>>> cd /usr/src
>>>>>>> sudo mkdir build_xenomai-2.6.4
>>>>>>> cd build_xenomai-2.6.4
>>>>>>> sudo ../xenomai-2.6.4/configure --enable-shared --enable-smp 
>>>>>>> --enable-x86-sep
>>>>>>> sudo make -j8
>>>>>>> sudo make install
>>>>>>> in /usr/xenomai/ I am not able to get the modules directory and xenomai 
>>>>>>> modules
>>>>>>> are not available ,xeno_rtdm,xeno_hal,xeno_nucleus.
>>>>>>> I used the below command to load the modules
>>>>>>> sudo modprobe xeno_rtdm,
>>>>>>> sudo modprobe xeno_hal
>>>>>>> sudo modprobe xeno_nucleus
>>>>>>> but the modules are not getting loaded.
>>>>>>> is there any modification should be done in the make file, or any
>>>>>>> other options should be enabled in the configure options
>>>>>>> kindly help me the get the xenomai modules available.
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> R.Ashokkumar
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