
        Whats your objection against 3.0?


David Cargill wrote:

Hi Alberto, Adding /Wp64 sounds fine.

I am not sure about having the next release be 3.0.   I think the risk of
someone having PSVIDefs in their code is a small risk (given that we have
already removed the functionality).  I agree it would be nice to clean up a
number of items but I think 3.0 should have some significant functionality
or architectural change from the current code base.   However, this is just
my opinion, and I wonder what others think?  Anyone?

BTW, what is the outstanding work for DOML3?  If methods have changed
names, could we introduce the new names and mark the old ones as

Maybe we should also keep track (perhaps in a Jira bug) of changes we
should make for the next version of xercesc (you mentioned adding const to
some signatures).  It would be good if we didn't lose track of these...

David A. Cargill
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
(905) 413-2371, tie 969

Alberto Massari <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ect.com> To xerces-c-dev@xml.apache.org 02/03/2005 06:29 cc AM Subject Re: Request for feedback on some Please respond to proposed xercesc changes xerces-c-dev (including breaking source code compatibility)

Hi David,

At 05.59 03/02/2005 -0500, David Cargill wrote:

Hi All,
In reviewing some recent appends and Jira bugs I would like to get some
feedback before making the following changes:

(1) Change compiler options for Linux and MSVC++ to generate more warning
messages.  By regularly monitoring the regular builds of
     xercesc we can try and have warning free builds.  The proposed
options for Linux are:
    CFLAGS   += -W -Wall -Wno-parentheses -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Winline
 CXXFLAGS += -W -Wno-parentheses -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes
     For MSVC++ use W4.

These look fine; for MSVC++ 7.1 we should also turn on /Wp64, in order to
catch instructions that on a 64-bit platform have unwanted side effect

(2) Change PSVIDefs to remove the following enums and remove the
corresponding methods that use them in SchemaElementDecl and SchemaAttDef:

What about planning to release Xerces-C++ 3.0 as the next release, as the
current policy would require? This way we have the chance to clean up the
enums, add some "const" keywords to some signatures, and complete the work
on DOML3 (that requires renaming some methods that have changed signature
since the working draft we implemented).


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