Hi James,

This looks like an excellent--and ambitious--roadmap to me!

James Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/08/2005 09:56:00 AM:

> I agree that we should move to the future and shed old baggage.

Moving to the future is always good.  I am a bit confused though about 
what "old baggage" we need to shed, and just what shedding implies.  The 
deprecated DOM, for instance, is now built into a separate library; folks 
that don't need it have no reason to deploy it.  Does the inclusion of 
that unquestionably elderly code in our build manifestly cause anyone 
pain?  If there is other code--aside from things like demonstrably useless 
enums--that is annoying people, perhaps we could mete the same treatment 
out to it?

> I propose that we create a 2.6.x branch, and get CVS HEAD headed toward 
> a 3.0 release, covering the latest version of the spec, which might be 
> unstable for a while.
> Perhaps this would also be a good time (pre-branch) to move to 
> subversion? It does a lot better job of dealing with deleted and 
> reorganized files, directories, etc.
> Proposed sequence:
>      (1) Move to subversion.

I agree that this is beneficial and inevitable.  We have clear direction 
from the Infrastructure team that all projects will eventually be 
presented with an offer they can't refuse along these lines.  That said, 
as a Cygwin user and a command-line devotee, I'd love to be assured 
there's hope for my preferred method of code extraction.  (Mind you, given 
the amount I'm committing these days, that hardly matters!  :) )

>      (2) Create xercesc 2.x branch for any further 2.x bug fixes or 
> development
>      (3) HEAD will begin work toward a 3.0 release which sheds old 
> interfaces, etc.

Reiterating the above, I'd like a bit more clarity about the old 
interfaces we'd like to shed, and just what shedding implies (as well as 
why it's needed, if shedding == deletion from the source tree). 

DOM level 3 certainly does sound like something we should be aiming to 
support.  Looking back at some notes from early 2003, the stimate was that 
Core would have cost about 3 person months, and load/save about 1 month; 
given that there has been further divergence since, it's somewhat hard to 
imagine that these numbers are not conservative.  So, before committing 
ourselves to this course, or to a schedule, it seems to me prudent to 
estalish that there are volunteers who are able to undertake the necessary 
work at present.

> (On thing I'd love to see resolved for 3.0 would be a re-work of the 
> configure/build infrastructure and ports. Xerces would gain a lot more 
> mindshare if it had a cleaned up ./configure/make/make install build, 
> and a way to lose all of the redundancy that creating a port currently 
> requires.)

I'm very much ready to admit my ignorance of other build architectures. It 
sure does seem that Xerces-C is supported on lots of platforms and 
compilers; given that there is a certain amount of investment in the 
existing infrastructure, I for one would sure be appreciative of some 
education as to the advantages of alternatives, as well as what's 
necessary in terms of migration for tooling (build systems etc.) that 
centre around what we currently have.  Understanding a bit more concretely 
what's wrong with what we currently have would also sure be helpful.

Those are a few things that occur to me at first glance anyway.  The 
overall direction of this proposal is good; just want to make sure all the 
details are accounted for.

Neil Graham
Manager, XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
Phone:  905-413-3519, T/L 969-3519

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