Doesn't SMTP-MaxErrors in help with this?

Henri van Riel wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've got a peculiar problem. My domain (a sub-domain of my ISP)
>receives a lot of (spam) email. I'm talking more than 15,000 emails
>per day (about 10mb/hour). All these emails are for recipients *not*
>defined on my domain. Someone has simply generated thousands of fake
>email addresses and put them on a cd and sells that (probably).
>I've set up XMail so that it only accepts mail for known users, so I
>don't really receive these emails. The problem is that my smtp threads
>are always *busy*. When I try to send email from outside my LAN
>through my mailserver at home I always get the message `server too
>busy, retry later...` because all my SMTP threads are handling
>mail from these spammers...
>What I would like is that XMail *immediately* drops the connection
>with the spammer's mailserver but it doesn't seem to do that.
>Connections stay open for a while because this server has dozens of
>emails to deliver to my server (all for users that don't exist!).
>Is there a way to immediately drop the connection with the server that
>tries to deliver mail to an unknown user and also ban this particular
>mail server for at least a day? That would decrease the number of
>random emails significantly and save me a lot on bandwidth.
>Any help would be appreciated.

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