I'm hoping to get some general clues about what all is required to get
an experiment going with zfs.

I've managed to install osol-11 in a vmware on windowsXP host from a
recent *.iso.

I'm following along with Simon's blog showing how to set up ZFS.  I'm
newbie with both ZFS and Solaris but the instructions seem pretty

However I'm finding some things the Simon directions at:

Do, are failing for me.

I've added a few extra drives in he vmware and added them to
zpool... So cutting to the chase I have a zpool established and up to
the point where I make it available to other hosts.

Eventually I hope to have a 3 windows machines, 2 linux and 1 solaris
machine using the Zfs drives for backup.  For now I'm just including 1
linux and 1 windows in my experiment.

Going by simons instructions I'm settting up a sbm/cifs share.
I see the smbshare is already setup:

  # zfs get all tank/home/reader |grep smb 
    tank/home/reader  sharesmb    on      local

Then I'm told to check and see what name the share is given:

 # sharemgr show -vp
  default nfs=()
    zfs/tank/home/reader smb=()

Ok, then I'm having a problem getting the smb/server running.

Here is where I need some kind of brief outline telling what all is
needed to get that to happen.

When I look at the server, Its said to be in `maintenance mode'

 # svcs | grep smb
  online         18:40:45 svc:/network/smb/client:default
  maintenance    23:55:48 svc:/network/smb/server:default

I'm not really sure how to use svcadm wisely but I tried to enable it

   svcadm enable -r  smb/server
  svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on \
  svc:/network/physical, which has multiple instances 

I'm not sure what that output means... but it doesn't appear to be any
kind of error.

Still when I look again... its still in maintenance mode.

I noticed a special kernel package right next to the smb server
called. SUNWsmbskr  (smb/server kernel).

So does this require a special kernel?

A brief roadmap from the point I'm at to running ZFS server, somekind
of outline would be really be handy.

When looking at the demos etc on line about zfs.. I don't recall
seeing anything about a special kernel... or is the smb server not
required to allow windows machines to `see' the zfs pool?

Also.. I keep seeing mention of a CIFS implementation but all the
stuff I see about cifs in the package manager says `client'.  So I'm
getting a bit confused.

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