Wow, they actually did the right thing in the end.  This is fantastic.
 I'm all too happy to eat as much crow as you have to offer.  I wonder
when (if?) they'll bring back the ability to purchase OpenSolaris
subscriptions online..

I'm actually so happy right now that I even appreciate Tim's clueless
would-be cynicisms :)

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Tim Cook <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Jacob Ritorto <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry to beat the dead horse, but I've just found perhaps the only
>> written proof that OpenSolaris is supportable.  For those of you who
>> deny that this is an issue, its existence as a supported OS has been
>> recently erased from every other place I've seen on the Oracle sites.
>> Everyone please grab a copy of this before they silently delete it and
>> claim that it never existed.  I'm buying a contract right now.  I may
>> just take back every mean thing I ever said about Oracle.
> Erased from every site?   Assuming when I pointed out several links the
> first go round wasn't enough, how bout directly on the opensolaris page
> itself?
> • Highly available open source based solutions ready to deploy on
> OpenSolaris with full production support from Sun.
> OpenSolaris enables developers to develop, debug, and globally deploy
> applications faster, with built-in innovative features and with full
> production support from Sun.
> Full production level support
> Both Standard and Premium support offerings are available for deployment of
> Open HA Cluster 2009.06 with OpenSolaris 2009.06 with following
> configurations:
> etc. etc. etc.
>  So do you get paid directly by IBM then, or is it more of a "consultant"
> type role?
> --Tim
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