On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 12:55:10PM -0600, Cindy Swearingen wrote:
> You can use the OpenSolaris beadm command to migrate a ZFS BE over
> to another root pool, but you will also need to perform some manual
> migration steps, such as
> - copy over your other rpool datasets
> - recreate swap and dump devices
> - install bootblocks
> - update BIOS and GRUB entries to boot from new root pool

I've also found it handy to use different names for each rpool.
Sometimes it's handy to boot an image that's entirely on a removable
disk, for example, and move that between hosts. The last thing you
want is a name clash or confusion about which pool is which.

In addition to the "import name" of the pool, there's another name
that needs to be changed. This is the "boot name" of the pool; it's
the name grub looks for in the "findroot(pool_rpool,...)" line.
That name is found in the root fs of the pool, in ./etc/bootsign (so
typically mounted at /poolname/etc/bootsign).


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