On Apr 22, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Rich Teer wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a server running SXCE b130 and I use ZFS for all file systems.  I
> also have a couple of workstations running the same OS, and all is well.
> But I also have a MacBook Pro laptop running Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.3),
> and I have troubles creating files on exported ZFS file systems.
> From the laptop, I can read and write existing files on the exported ZFS
> file systems just fine, but I can't create new ones.  My understanding is
> that Mac OS makes extensive use of file attributes so I was wondering if
> this might be the cause of the problem (I know ZFS supports file attributes,
> but I wonder if I have to utter some magic incantation to get them working
> properly with Mac OS).
> At the moment I have a workaround: I use sftp to copy the files from the
> laptop to the server.  But this is a pain in the ass and I'm sure there's
> a way to make this just work properly!

I haven't seen this behavior. However, all of my file systems used by my
Mac are pool version 8 fs ver 2. I don't know if that could be part of your
problem or not.

I am attaching two ways direct attach and iSCSI zvol with pool and FS created


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