On Fri, 23 Apr 2010, Alex Blewitt wrote:

> > > For your information, the ZFS project lives (well, limps really) on
> > > at http://code.google.com/p/mac-zfs. You can get ZFS for Snow Leopard
> > > from there and we're working on moving forwards from the ancient pool
> > > support to something more recent. I've relatively recently merged in
> > > the onnv-gate repository (at build 72) which should make things easier
> > > to track in the future.
> > 
> > That's good to hear!  I thought Apple yanking ZFS support from Mac OS was
> > a really dumb idea.  Do you work for Apple?
> No, the entire effort is community based. Please feel free to join up to the
> mailing list from the project page if you're interested in ZFS on Mac OSX.

I tried going to that URL, but got a 404 error...  :-(  What's the correct one,

Rich Teer, Publisher
Vinylphile Magazine

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